Breast cancer morbidity and mortality rates in the Republic of Dagestan

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Breast cancer (BC) morbidity and mortality rates were analyzed in the Republic of Dagestan (RD) for a long period (1991-2002) and their current state was assessed. The standardized (world standard for) rate of BC morbidity in the RD was found to be 22.9 and, as a whole, significantly lower than the average rate in the Russian Federation (41.6%) and that of morbidity was 14.1 and inconsistent with the official data. It was also ascertained that both rates in the RD were increasing and varied within this republic with the female residence (urban, rural, geographic zone). Thus, the morbidity and mortality rates among the urban women (32.1 and 19.7) and in the lowlands (27.7 and 18.0) was twice as high as in the rural (15.8 and 10) and highlands (12.7 and 8.5). Cities, towns, and areas with high and low BC morbidity and mortality rates were defined. In some of them the BC mortality rates were also established to be greater than not only average republican, but also average federative ones. It was concluded that this situation was due to poor detection and the absence of primary and secondary prevention measures and screening programs. The impact of inadequate scope of treatment performed in the Dagestan Republican Cancer Dispensary on the rates is not ruled out either.

About the authors

O M Magomedov

ГОУ ВПО Дагестанская государственная медицинская академия Минздравсоцразвития России, Махачкала

канд. мед. наук, ассистент каф. онкологии (ректор - проф. А. О. Османов); ГОУ ВПО Дагестанская государственная медицинская академия Минздравсоцразвития России, Махачкала

O M Magomedov


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