Diagnosticheskoe znachenie immunoekspressii galektina-3, NVME-1 i tsitokeratina-19 v opukholyakh shchitovidnoy zhelezy razlichnogo potentsiala zlokachestvennosti

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The authors have studied the value of the immunoexpression of galectin-3, HBME-1, and cytokeratin 19 in the diagnosis of 17 benign (follicular adenomas) tumors of the thyrod, 23 malignant tumors (carcinomas of follicular cell origin), and 12 tumors of uncertain malignant potential. The diagnosis based on the analysis of the immuniexpression of galectin-3 and its combination with HBME-1 showed high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy (96, 88, and 93%, respectively). The tumors of uncertain malignant potential were heterogeneous in the expression of galectin-3 and HBME-1. Coexpression of the above markers may suggest the malignant potential of individual neoplasms included in this group.

About the authors

A Yu Abrosimov

ФГУ Эндокринологический научный центр (дир. - акад. РАН и РАМН И. И. Дедов)

доктор мед. наук, зав. отделением патоморфологии; ФГУ Эндокринологический научный центр (дир. - акад. РАН и РАМН И. И. Дедов)

N Yu Dvinskikh

ГУ Медицинский радиологический научный центр (дир. - акад. РАМН А. Ф. Цыб) РАМН

ГУ Медицинский радиологический научный центр (дир. - акад. РАМН А. Ф. Цыб) РАМН


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