Assessment of lymphocyte populations and their subsets in the patients with acute coronary syndrome





We examined 23 patients aged 40 to 65 years (mean age 54.52±6.72) with a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) at admission, who underwent emergency or delayed coronary stenting a day later. All patients had arterial hypertension as a concomitant disease. Upon additional examination, blood troponin levels were determined, ECG was performed in the time dynamics. Acute myocardial infarction with ST elevation was diagnosed in 7 patients, infarction without ST elevation, in 6 patients, the unstable angina rest, in the rest of this group (Grace risk from 75 to 150 points, on average, 107.7±27.16 points). To assess the immune status, especially, lymphocyte populations and subsets we used standardized techniques, i.e., flow cytometric assays with Navios cytofluorimeter (Beckman Coulter, USA). The following subpopulations were determined: CD45+ (panleukocyte marker for gating lymphocytes), CD45+, CD3+ (T cells), CD45+, CD3+, CD4+ (helper inducers), CD45+, CD3+, CD8+ (cytotoxic T cells), CD45+, CD3+CD16+, CD56+ (TNK cells) CD45+, CD3-, CD16+, CD56+ (natural killer cells), CD45+, CD3-, CD19+CD5+ (B cells), CD45+, CD3+, CD4+, CD25+ (activated helpers, early activation phase), CD45+, CD3+, HLA-DR (activated T lymphocytes – late activation phase). The data obtained indicate that the relative indices of T helper subpopulations, T cells at early and late activation step, and B lymphocytes were increased in the patients with acute coronary syndrome, compared with control group. At the same time, there is a trend for increasing absolute values of these indexes. The subpopulation of TNK lymphocytes proved to be significantly increased both in relative and absolute values, whereas percentages of CD45+CD3+CD19- (p < 0.01) and T cytotoxic lymphocytes (p < 0.001) were decreased and showed the same trend in absolute terms. The ratio of CD4/CD8 lymphocytes was almost doubled (p < 0.001), due to increased content of T-helpers and decrease in cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In clinical blood analyses of ACS patients a tendency for leukocytosis was shown, (10.15±5.22), with a shift to the band forms.


E. Safronova

South Ural State Medical University


PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor, Department of Polyclinic Therapy and Clinical Pharmacology

俄罗斯联邦, Chelyabinsk

L. Ryabova

South Ural State Medical University


PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Department of Life Safety, Disaster Medicine, Critical and Emergency Medical Care

俄罗斯联邦, Chelyabinsk


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