Pleiotropicity of immunomodulating effects of synthetic thymic hexapeptide in chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital tract in immunocompromized women

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A reason for a protracted course and frequent recurrence of pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID) is dysfunction of the immune system, which dictates the need of effective immunotherapeutic approaches. Objective: to clarify the features of immune system functioning, the interferon system, the profile of cytokines during the period of exacerbation of PID in women; to develop targeted immunotherapy using hexapeptide with assessment of its effectiveness. The studied immunocompromised women 20-40 years old with exacerbation of PID were divided into study groups (SG): SG1 (n = 22), SG2 (n = 70) before treatment; SG1a, SG1 receiving standard therapy; SG2a, SG2, receiving standard therapy and hexapeptide (HP, Imunofan®). The parameters of cellular and humoral immunity, levels of serum interferons, cytokines were determined. During exacerbation of PID, a decrease in IFNα was in both groups and IFNγ, more pronounced in SG1. In SG1, the levels of IL-6, TNFα were increased, the level of IL-8 was decreased. In SG2, the level of IL-6 was increased. An increase in IL-4, IL-10 was noted in both groups. Against the background of IFNα, IFNγ deficiency and cytokine imbalance, a significant decrease in T lymphocytes, T helper cells, B lymphocytes was observed in both study groups. After standard treatment, there was no recovery of IFNα, IFNγ. Only TNFα decreased, the levels of IL-1β, IL-6 were increased at the end of treatment, there was no increase in IL-4, IL-10 and restoration of cellular and humoral immunity. It leads to maintaining chronic inflammation and exacerbation of PID within 3 months after treatment. After immunotherapy including fHP, IFNα was restored in 50% cases. There was a decrease in IL-1β, TNFα without significant changes in the levels of IL-8, IL-18. Resolution of inflammation was accompanied by an increase in IL-10. The modulating effect of fHP on interferons and cytokines contributed to the restoration of T cell and humoral immunity, which is related to the onset of clinical remission of PID at an earlier time and an increase in the duration of the inter-relapse period. The positive effectiveness of immunotherapy with Imunofan® is due to its pleiotropic effects, which provides significant advantages compared to the use of standard therapy only.

About the authors

I. V. Nesterova

Kuban State Medical University; P. Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Author for correspondence.

PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Chief Research Associate, Department of Clinical and Experimental Immunology and Molecular Biology, Central Scientific Research Laboratory; Professor, Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Adaptology Faculty of Continuing Medical Education of the Medical Institute

Russian Federation, Krasnodar; Moscow

S. V. Kovaleva

Kuban State Medical University


PhD, MD (Medicine), Associate Professor, Senior Research Associate of the Department of Clinical and Experimental Immunology and Molecular Biology, Central Scientific Research Laboratory, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Laboratory Diagnostics of FAT and PRS

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

S. N. Pikturno

Kuban State Medical University


Postgraduate Student, Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Laboratory Diagnostics of FAT and PRS

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

А. M. Chulkova

Kuban State Medical University


PhD (Medicine), Head, Day Hospital Clinic

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

N. N. Kuranova

Kuban State Medical University


Doctor of the Consulting and Diagnostic Department Clinic

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

A. I. Pirogova

Kuban State Medical University


Resident, Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Laboratory Diagnostics of FAT and PRS

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

E. A. Poezzhaev

Kuban State Medical University


6th-Year Student of Pediatric Faculty

Russian Federation, Krasnodar


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1. Indicators of the cellular and humoral components of the immune system of immunocompromised women during the period of exacerbation of PID during treatment: A, against the background of a course of standard therapy; B, against the background of complex therapy, including traditional therapy and immunotherapy with a pharmaceutical drug based on GP

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Copyright (c) 2024 Nesterova I.V., Kovaleva S.V., Pikturno S.N., Chulkova А.M., Kuranova N.N., Pirogova A.I., Poezzhaev E.A.

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