Surfactant system of the lungs in antiphospholipid syndrome under the conditions of administration of the immunosuppressive agent FTY-720

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Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a thrombophilic disease in the pathogenesis of which the leading role belongs to antibodies reacting with antigenic determinants of phospholipids. APS is a systemic autoimmune pathology that involves many organs and systems in the pathological process, including the respiratory system. Given the fact that the lung surfactant is mainly represented by phospholipids, it can be presented that the surfactant is damaged and its functioning is impaired in APS. The results of our experiments showed that in antiphospholipid syndrome, there was a decline in the functional activity of the surfactant and a change in its biochemical composition. The introduction of FTY-720 normalized the parameters of the lung surfactant system, which were changed during the modeling of antiphospholipid syndrome. The work shows the effectiveness of the therapy of this autoimmune pathology with immunosuppressor FTY-720, which is a structural analogue of endogenous sphingosine. The effect of the drug is based on the modulation of sphingosine-1 phosphate receptors of lymphocytes. The main effect of the immunosuppressor FTY-720 as a result of receptor interaction is a decrease in the number of circulating lymphocytes. The research involved 85 white random bred male rats: Group 1 (APS modeling) consisted of 30 rats who were intravenously injected with cardiolipin antigen at a total dose of 0.2-0.4 mg per rat every other day for three weeks; Group 2 (control) consisted of 25 rats who were injected with 0.9% NaCl solution according to the same scheme; and Group 3 including 30 rats in which APS was combined with the administration of the immunosuppressive agent FTY-720 (intraperitoneally 1 mg/kg of animal weight). Three weeks later, there was an operation conducted with the purpose of extraction of the bronchopulmonary complex. After extraction of the bronchopulmonary complex, its triple lavage was carried out with 0.9% NaCl solution. The material of the experimental study was a lavage liquid, in which the biophysical and biochemical parameters of the surfactant were studied. Langmuir–Blodgett method was used to identify static, minimal and maximal surface tension. These figures were used to identify integrative indicator reflecting surfactant characteristics – the Clements stability index. The fractional composition of surfactant phospholipids was determined by thin-layer chromatography. The results of our experiments showed that in antiphospholipid syndrome, there was a decline in the functional activity of the surfactant and a change in its biochemical composition. The introduction of FTY-720 normalized the parameters of the lung surfactant system, which were changed during the modeling of antiphospholipid syndrome.

About the authors

M. A. Urakova

Izhevsk State Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.

PhD, MD (Medicine), Associate Professor, Department of Pathological Physiology and Immunology

Russian Federation, Izhevsk

V. R. Mustaev

Izhevsk State Medical Academy


3rd-Year Student of the Faculty of General Medicine

Russian Federation, Izhevsk

G. R. Karimova

Izhevsk State Medical Academy


3rd-Year Student of the Faculty of General Medicine

Russian Federation, Izhevsk

M. G. Kuznetsova

Izhevsk State Medical Academy


3rd-Year Student of the Faculty of General Medicine

Russian Federation, Izhevsk

E. N. Rakhmatullina

Izhevsk State Medical Academy


3rd-Year Student of the Faculty of General Medicine

Russian Federation, Izhevsk

S. A. Oleneva

Izhevsk State Medical Academy


3rd-Year Student of the Faculty of General Medicine

Russian Federation, Izhevsk

K. V. Urakova

Izhevsk State Medical Academy


1st-Year Student of the Faculty of General Medicine

Russian Federation, Izhevsk


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Copyright (c) 2024 Urakova M.A., Mustaev V.R., Karimova G.R., Kuznetsova M.G., Rakhmatullina E.N., Oleneva S.A., Urakova K.V.

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