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Aim. To study prognostic value of some laboratory markers (anti-DNA antibodies, cell adhesive molecules, neopterin) in patients with exudative inflammation after inraocular lens surgery.

Materials and methods: 21 in-patients with postoperative iridicyclitis and endophthalmitis were included. The assays were taken twice: after admission and before discharging. The follow-up period was 6 months.

Results. Preliminary data show that high serum levels of sVCAM, sICAM and anti-DNA antibodies, as well as very low levels of anti-DNA antibodies seems to be associated with poor outcomes in those patients (enucleation, blindness, lens extraction).

Conclusion. Small cohort doesn’t allow make strict conclusion about prognostic value of these laboratory markers. The study should be continued. 

About the authors

O. V. Moskalets

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute named after M. F. Vladimirskij

Author for correspondence.

PhD, Leading Researcher, Research Laboratory,


Russian Federation


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