Immune reactions to clinical carcinogens and steroid hormones in breast pre-cancer and cancer patients

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Detection of postmenopausal women at high risk for breast pre-cancer and cancer is a key condition to prevent these diseases. Aim of our research was to study possible usage of immunoassay for antibodies specific to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol, and progesterone (IgA-Bp, IgA-Es, IgA-Pg) in determination of personal risks for fibrocystic disease and breast cancer at the early stage, with respect to hormone receptor status in tumor tissues. Blood serum IgA-Bp, IgA-Es, IgA-Pg were studied by ELISA in postmenopausal women: healthy controls (n = 401), patients with fibrocystic breast disease (n = 50), and breast cancer (stage I, n = 575, stages II-IV, n = 861). High individual IgA-Bp/IgA-Pg ratios of > 1.5 were found in 19.7% of healthy women, and in 50.0% of fibrocystic breast disease patients (p < 0.0001; OR = 4.1). IgA-Es/IgA-Pg ratios of > 1.0 were revealed in 48.4% healthy women and in 68.0% fibrocystic breast disease patients (p < 0.01; OR = 2.3). IgA-Bp/IgAPg values > 1.0 were found in 41.9% of healthy women, and, at higher rates, in the patients with breast cancer stage I: 68.3% ER- tumors (p < 0.0001; OR = 3.0) and 75.9% ER+ tumors (p < 0.0001; OR = 4.4). IgA-Es/ IgA-Pg ratios > 1.0 were revealed in 48.4% of healthy women, and in patients with breast cancer stage I: 65.3% ER- tumors (p < 0.003; OR = 2.0), and 76.8% ER+ tumors (p < 0.0001; OR = 3.5). Some associations of studied antibodies with cancer progression were revealed. Frequency of individual cases with IgA-Bp/IgA-Pg > 1.0 in patients with ER- tumors increased from 12.0% at stage I to 19.9% at stage II. Frequency of cases with IgA-Bp/IgA-Pg > 1.0 in the patients with ER+ tumors decreased from 62.0% at stage I to 57.3% at stage II (p = 0.002). Frequency of cases with IgA-Es/IgA-Pg > 1.0 in the patients with ER- tumors increased from 11.5% at stage I to 21.4% at stage II. Frequency of cases with IgA-Es/IgA-Pg > 1.0 in patients with ER+ tumors decreased from 63.3% at stage I to 56.1% at stage II (p < 0.001). The cases with individual excessive IgA-Bp and IgA-Es levels are associated with fibrocystic breast disease and ER+ breast cancer at the onset of the disease. Breast cancer progression was associated with the relative decrease of ER in tumor tissues, along with higher individual levels of IgA-Bp and IgА-Es and lower IgA-Pg levels. ELISA testing of IgА-Bp, IgА-Es, IgA-Pg could be recommended for detection of individual risk for fibrocystic breast disease and stage I of breast cancer, as well as for more efficient prevention and therapy by selective modulators of estrogen receptor (raloxifene, arzoxifene and lasofoxifine) and aromatase inhibitors (exemestane, anastrozole).

About the authors

A. N. Glushkov

Institute of Human Ecology, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8560-6719

Glushkov Andrew N., PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Chief Research Associate, Laboratory of Immunogenetics, Institute of Human Ecology


SPIN-код (РИНЦ) 9536-8530;

AuthorID (Scopus) 7006323832;

ResearcherID (WOS) Q-5985-2016

Russian Federation

E. G. Polenok

Institute of Human Ecology, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry;
Kemerovo State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9368-2340

Polenok Elena G., PhD (Pharmacy), Leading Research Associate, Laboratory of Immunochemistry, Institute of Human Ecology, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry; Associate Professor, Department of Biology with the Basics of Genetics and Parasitology, Kemerovo State Medical University


SPIN-код (РИНЦ) 3925-0185;

AuthorID (Scopus) 6506567994;

ResearcherID (WOS) Q-5381-2016

Russian Federation

L. A. Gordeeva

Institute of Human Ecology, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5870-7584

Gordeeva Ludmila A., PhD (Biology), Leading Research Associate, Laboratory of Immunogenetics, Institute of Human Ecology


SPIN-код (РИНЦ) 6662-4616;

AuthorID (Scopus) 14052058500;

ResearcherID (WOS) R-2781-2016

Russian Federation

S. A. Mun

Institute of Human Ecology, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5530-3469

Mun Stella A., PhD (Medicine), Senior Research Associate, Laboratory of Immunogenetics, Institute of Human Ecology

650065, Kemerovo, Leningradsky ave, 10

SPIN-код (РИНЦ) 5579-8939;

AuthorID (Scopus) 7101645456;

ResearcherID (WOS) J-6484-2018

Russian Federation

M. V. Kostyanko

Kemerovo State University


Kostyanko Mikhail V., Leading Engineer, Department of Organic Chemistry


SPIN-код (РИНЦ) 5953-6554;

Author ID (Scopus) 6507008191


Russian Federation

G. I. Kolpinckiy

Kemerovo State Medical University;
Kemerovo Clinical Diagnostic Сenter


Kolpinsky Gleb I., PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Department of Radiology, Radiotherapy and Oncology, Kemerovo State Medical University; Main Physician, Kemerovo Clinical Diagnostic Сenter


SPIN-код (РИНЦ) 6894-6419,

AuthorID (Scopus) 56677706300

Russian Federation

I. A. Vafin

Kuzbass Center of Blood


Chief Physician


Russian Federation

A. V. Antonov

Kuzbass Clinical Oncology Dispensary


Antonov Alexander  V., Head, Oncological Department No. 5


Russian Federation

N. E. Verzhbitskaja

Kuzbass Clinical Oncology Dispensary


Verzhbitskaya Natalia E., PhD (Medicine), Chief, Department of Pathology


Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2021 Glushkov A.N., Polenok E.G., Gordeeva L.A., Mun S.A., Kostyanko M.V., Kolpinckiy G.I., Vafin I.A., Antonov A.V., Verzhbitskaja N.E.

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