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In experimental acute ischemia of the liver, suppression of the formation of the cellular and humoral forms of the immune response to sheep erythrocytes, a decrease in the functional and metabolic activity of circulating blood neutrophils has been established. It was established that proteins of the culture fluid of allogeneic hepatocytes of newborn rats with MM less than 130 kD have a pronounced immunocorrective efficiency, and proteins more than 130 kD do not possess such activity.

About the authors

E. S. Litvinova

Kursk State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

PhD, Assistant Professor, the Pathology Anatomy Department,


Russian Federation

A. I. Konoplya

Kursk State Medical University


MD, Professor, Distinguished Academic, Head of the Department of Biological Chemistry, 


Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Litvinova E.S., Konoplya A.I.

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