Comparative evaluation of influence of immunomodulators on the development of experimental synegne infection

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A comparative study of the protective eff ect of miliacin and galavit in the case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in mice was carried out. It was established that miliacin and galavit reduced the death of animals, limited hypoplasia of the thymus and bone marrow, reduced the stimulated production of IL-17.

About the authors

A. . Smolyagin

Orenburg State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

B. . Frolov

Orenburg State Medical University

Russian Federation

Y. . Filippova

Orenburg State Medical University

Russian Federation

Т. . Panfilova

Orenburg State Medical University

Russian Federation

A. . Zheleznova

Orenburg State Medical University

Russian Federation

E. . Ermolina

Orenburg State Medical University

Russian Federation

Y. . Sarychevа

Orenburg State Medical University

Russian Federation

A. . Tokareva

Orenburg State Medical University

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Smolyagin A..., Frolov B..., Filippova Y..., Panfilova Т..., Zheleznova A..., Ermolina E..., Sarychevа Y..., Tokareva A...

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