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A diagnostic examination of 78 people living permanently under the negative impact of emissions resulted from enterprise producing aluminum was carried out. The control group consisted of 52 people. Examination of the adult population revealed changes in the immune system: there is a decrease in the phagocytic activity of cells and IgG deficiency in relation to the norm and control; a significant increase in the relative and absolute level of CD4+CD127 T lymphocytes was observed. What is more, we have seen hyperproduction of antiapoptotic factor Bcl-2 and a decrease in the values of activation markers CD3+CD25+ and CD3+CD95+. At the same time, the level of specific sensitization of the organism to aluminum according to the criterion of immunoglobulin of G class was significantly heightened in comparison with the age norm and the control group. Thus, in adults living under aerogenic exposure to aluminum, changes in cellular immunoregulation characterized by the imbalance of the receptor apparatus of immunocytes and intracellular transcription factors associated with increased specific sensitization of the body to aluminum, which results in slowing of cell death and the formation of hapten-mediated proliferative reactions, were determined. 

About the authors

J. A. Chelakova

FBUN Federal Research Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies

Author for correspondence.

Junior researcher of the laboratory of immunology and allergology,

614045 Perm, Monastyrskaya St. 82

Russian Federation

M. A. Guselnikov

FBUN Federal Research Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies


Junior researcher of the laboratory of immunology and allergology,

614045 Perm, Monastyrskaya St. 82

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Chelakova J.A., Guselnikov M.A.

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