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Aims: to identify phenotypes of the bronchial asthma (BA) upon admission of patients for the sanatorium medical rehabilitation (SMR) using cluster analysis and to analyse their pathogenetic features. The research include 518 patients with BA who passed SMR. Survey conducted: clinical, functional, laboratory. Immunological indicators were studied: IGE, IFN-α, IFN-γ, IL-4, EGF, TGF-β, TNF. Statistical processing of material in the SPSS25 program. On the basis of results of inspection of patients with cluster analysis is BA applied and 3 clusters are selected. Diagnostic parameters for reference of patients to clusters are determined and features of immunological inspection are described. Selection of homogeneous groups at a stage of rehabilitation matters for development of the personalized programs of rehabilitation.

About the authors

L. Sh. Dudchenko

State Budgetary Institution of Public Health of the Republic of Crimea «Academic Research Institute of Physical Methods of Treatment, Medical Climatology and Rehabilitation named by I. M. Sechenov»

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Medicine),

Yalta city, Republic of Crimea, Mukhina street 10/3

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Dudchenko L.S.

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