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Immunological study of the violation of cellular component of immune system in workers employed in chrome ore mining revealed excessive production of suppressor T-regulatory cells CD4+CD127, apoptotic Bax protein. What is more, there was an increase in the rate of specific sensitization of IgE to chrome in relation to the comparison group associated with elevated chrome level in the blood (more than 5 times in relation to the reference level). A significant decrease in CD-immunogram parameters was found: CD3+CD25+, CD3+CD95+. Besides, there was reduction in expression of intracellular protein factor Bcl-2, transcription factor regulating the cell cycle – p53, receptor for tumor necrosis factor TNFR compared with the values of employees working outside the influence of the studied industrial factors (p<0.05). Thus, the production conditions associated with hapten load (chrome) create an imbalance of cellular regulation, disrupting the programmed procedure of cell death (apoptosis). Key words: clusters of cell differentiation, specific sensitization, chrome>˂ 0.05). Thus, the production conditions associated with hapten load (chrome) create an imbalance of cellular regulation, disrupting the programmed procedure of cell death (apoptosis). 


About the authors

I. N. Alikina

FBUN Federal Research Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies

Author for correspondence.

junior researcher of the laboratory of cellular diagnostic methods,


Russian Federation


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