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Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases and occupies one of the leading places among the medical and social problems of modern dermatology. The results of a comparative analysis of the quantitative characteristics of T- and B-lymphocytes, phagocytic cells in peripheral blood, the concentration of immunoglobulins (A, M, G), circulating immune complexes (CIC-C1q, CIC-C3d) and features of changes in immunological parameters depending on the severity of psoriasis were determined. The features of changes in immunological parameters in psoriasis, depending on the severity.

About the authors

A. A. Barilo

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North – a separate division of the Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Science Center» of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

PhD, Researcher of the Clinical Pathophysiology Laboratory of the Research Institute of Medical Problems,


Russian Federation

S. V. Smirnova

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North – a separate division of the Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Science Center» of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


PhD, Professor, Head of the Scientific Direction,


Russian Federation


  1. Смирнова С. В., Смольникова М. В., Барило А. А. Кли ни ко-анамнестические критерии прогрессирования псориаза. Клиническая дерматология и венерология. 2016; 15 (2):9–15.
  2. Mahil S. K., Capon F., Barker J. N. Update on psoriasis immunopathogenesis and targeted immunotherapy. Seminars in immunopathology. 2016; 38(1):11–27.
  3. Смирнова С. В., Барило А. А., Смольникова М. В. Прогностическое значение клинических и анамнестических маркеров псориатического артрита. Клиническая дерматология и венерология. 2016; 15 (1):23–27.
  4. Барило А. А., Смирнова С. В., Смольникова М. В. Иммунологические показатели больных псориазом в различные возрастные периоды. Российский иммунологический журнал. 2017; 11 (20), 4: 680–681.
  5. Смирнова С. В., Смольникова М. В., Барило А. А. Концентрации IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNFα в сыворотке крови больных псориазом и псориатическим артритом. Цитокины и воспаление. 2015; 16 (3): 31–32.

Copyright (c) 2019 Barilo A.A., Smirnova S.V.

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