
Sobolev, N.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 466, 编号 1 (2016) Geochemistry The formation of graphite upon the interaction of subducted carbonates and sulfur with metal-bearing rocks of the lithospheric mantle
卷 466, 编号 2 (2016) Geochemistry Inclusions of Cr- and Cr–Nb-Rutile in pyropes from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia
卷 466, 编号 2 (2016) Geochemistry Inclusions of crichtonite group minerals in pyropes from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia
卷 467, 编号 1 (2016) Geochemistry Composition of a carbonatitic melt in equilibrium with lherzolite at 5.5–6.3 GPa and 1350°C
卷 468, 编号 2 (2016) Geochemistry The composition of volatile components in olivines from Yakutian kimberlites of various ages: Evidence from gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
卷 469, 编号 1 (2016) Geochemistry Peculiarities of the composition of volatile components in picroilmenites from Yakutian kimberlites of various ages (by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry)
卷 470, 编号 1 (2016) Geochemistry Experimental modeling of the interaction of subducted carbonates and sulfur with mantle silicates
卷 471, 编号 1 (2016) Geochemistry Graphite and diamond formation via the interaction of iron carbide and Fe,Ni-sulfide under mantle P–T parameters
卷 474, 编号 2 (2017) Geochemistry Stability of methane in reduced C–O–H fluid at 6.3 GPa and 1300–1400°C
卷 475, 编号 1 (2017) Geochemistry Phases of the Fe–C–N system as hosts of mantle carbon and nitrogen: Experimental studies at 7.8 GPa and 1350°C
卷 475, 编号 1 (2017) Geochemistry Isotope compositions of C and O of magmatic calcites from the Udachnaya–East pipe kimberlite, Yakutia
卷 475, 编号 2 (2017) Geochemistry Primary melt and fluid inclusions in regenerated crystals and phenocrysts of olivine from kimberlites of the Udachnaya-East Pipe, Yakutia: The problem of the kimberlite melt
卷 476, 编号 2 (2017) Geochemistry Results of study of crystallographic orientation of olivine and diamond from Udachnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia
卷 477, 编号 2 (2017) Geochemistry Synthesis of hydrocarbons by CO2 fluid conversion with hydrogen: Experimental modeling at 7.8 GPa and 1350°C
卷 478, 编号 1 (2018) Geology Shrilankite Inclusions in Garnets from Kimberlite Bodies and Diamondiferous Volcanic–Sedimentary Rocks of the Yakutian Kimberlite Province, Russia
卷 479, 编号 1 (2018) Geochemistry Formation of the Fe,Mg-Silicates, Fe0, and Graphite (Diamond) Assemblage as a Result of Cohenite Oxidation under Lithospheric Mantle Conditions
卷 479, 编号 1 (2018) Geochemistry Synthesis of NH4-Substituted Muscovite at 6.3 GPa and 1000°C: Implications for Nitrogen Transport to the Earth’s Mantle
卷 481, 编号 1 (2018) Geochemistry The Composition Features of Volatile Components in Diamonds from the Placers in the Northeastern Part of the Siberian Platform by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
卷 483, 编号 1 (2018) Geochemistry Experimental Modeling of C0-Forming Processes Involving Cohenite and CO2-Fluid in a Silicate Mantle
卷 483, 编号 1 (2018) Geochemistry Formation of Water-Bearing Defects in Olivine in the Presence of Water–Hydrocarbon Fluid at 6.3 GPa and 1200°C
卷 483, 编号 1 (2018) Geochemistry Genesis of Diamond in Metal–Carbon and Metal–Sulfur–Carbon Melts: Evidence from Experimental Data
卷 487, 编号 2 (2019) Geochemistry A Find of Coesite in Diamond-Bearing Kyanite Eclogite from the Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe, Siberian Craton
卷 487, 编号 2 (2019) Geochemistry Synthesis of New Polytypic Modifications of Fe7C3 at 5.5 GPa
卷 489, 编号 2 (2019) Geochemistry Morphological Features of Diamond Crystals Resulting from Dissolution in a Fe–Ni–S Melt under High Pressure