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Vol 488, No 1 (2019)


Rb–Sr Age of Riphean Glauconites of the Kamo Group (Baikit Anteclise, Siberian Craton)

Zaitseva T.S., Kuznetsov A.B., Ivanova N.A., Maslennikov M.A., Pustylnikova V.V., Turchenko T.L., Nagovitsin K.E.


A mineralogical-geochemical study of globular phyllosilicates (GPS) of the glauconite-illite series of the Dolgokta Formation from the stratigraphic well Chunkinskaya Well 282 was conducted, and their Rb–Sr age was determined. The suitability of the mineral for geochronological studies was estimated based on the Mössbauer spectroscopy data and the model of cation distribution in the octahedral sheet of GPS. The mineralogical and crystallochemical characteristics indicate epigenetic defects in the glauconite crystal structure; therefore, its Rb–Sr isochronous age (1300 ± 7 Ma) is “rejuvenated” and reflects a partial recrystallization event. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio in dolomites of the Dolgokta and Kuyumba formations varies from 0.70602 to 0.72230 and thereby confirms the epigenetic recrystallization of rocks. The model Rb–Sr age of glauconite, which was estimated taking the enrichment in radiogenic 87Sr into account, is within 1340–1400 Ma. The age estimate defines the upper limit of the stratigraphic distribution of the Mesoproterozoic fossil Tappania that was found in the Yurubchen and Dolgokta formations of the Baikit Anteclise.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1013-1017
pages 1013-1017 views

New Data on the Sm–Nd Age of Picrites in the Lysogorsk Complex, Southern Urals

Kovalev S.G., Maslov A.V., Kovalev S.S., Vysotskii S.I.


This paper reports new data on the age of picrites in the Lysogorsk complex, which are common in the Taratash metamorphic complex (Bashkir Meganticlinorium, the western slope of the Southern Urals). Based on Sm–Nd dating (1409 ± 89 Ma) and calculated data on the crystallization pressure and the temperature of mineral parageneses, it is concluded that picrites belong to the initial type of magmatism, which characterizes the initial stages of the Mashak magmatic event.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1018-1021
pages 1018-1021 views

Early Mesozoic Alkaline Magmatism in the Western Framing of the Mongol–Okhotsk Belt: Age and Structural Position

Yarmolyuk V.V., Kozlovsky A.M., Salnikova E.B., Eenjin G.


A zonal igneous areal appeared at the western end of the Mongol–Okhotsk Belt in the Early Mesozoic. Its central part is comprised of the Khentei–Daurian giant batholith, which is framed on its north and west by riftlike structures with manifestations of bimodal and alkaline granite magmatism. Geochronological studies of the Choyr and Gal-Shara massifs of peralkaline granites, belonging to the North Gobi (southern) border of the batholith, are carried out. The ages of the former and latter are 215 and 213 Ma, respectively. It is shown that associations involving alkaline igneous rocks are fairly well developed in the North Gobi zone and controlled by NE-trending faults and grabens. Thus, it is established that the zonal magmatic area was formed under a specific regime. In its central part, which corresponds to the zone of the Mongol–Okhotsk suture, anatexis and batholith-formation processes took place, while the periphery was involved in rifting. The data obtained indicate the closure of the western part of the Mongol–Okhotsk trough before the formation of the zonal magmatic areal. The structure of the magmatic areal was determined by the mechanisms of the plume–lithosphere interaction between the collisional suture (anatectic melting zone) and its less tectonically strained framing (rifting zones).

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1022-1026
pages 1022-1026 views

The First Data on the Structure and Mineral Composition of Ores at the Tarakon Potential Gold Field, Russian Far East

Buchko I.V.


The original materials obtained, along with the literature data (hydrochemical contrasting halos), make it possible to predict a new (Tarakon) gold ore field within the eastern part of the Argun superterrane. Commercial gold concentrations are noted in quartz metasomatic rocks after granite and limestone. The amount of ore minerals usually does not exceed 5–10%. They commonly occur in the rocks as micron and submicron particles mainly of pyrite, less often, of galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, ilmenite, hematite, magnetite, fahlore, and native high-grade gold. It is assumed that formation of the Tarakon gold ore field, as well as of most ore bodies in the region, is related to Late Mesozoic magmatism.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1027-1030
pages 1027-1030 views

First Results of U–Pb Dating of Detrital Zircons from the Upper Precambrian Basal Deposits of the Subpolar Urals

Pystin A.M., Pystina Y.I., Khubanov V.B.


Based on the first results of massive U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the basal deposits of the Upper Precambrian section in the Subpolar Urals, their age is determined, and the lower age limit for the deposition of the Timan continental margin of the Baltic is substantiated with consideration of the data obtained earlier.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1031-1034
pages 1031-1034 views

The New Pleistocene Ulan-Zhalga Key Section in Western Transbaikalia

Erbajeva M.A., Shchetnikov A.A., Kazansky A.Y., Matasova G.G., Khenzykhenova F.I., Filinov I.A., Namzalova O.D., Nechaev I.O.


This work presents the first results of a multidisciplinary study of the new Pleistocene Ulan-Zhalga section (51°29′40.75″ N, 107°20′18.11″ E), discovered in Western Transbaikalia in 2017. Based on the paleontological, paleomagnetic, and lithological data, the Early, Middle, and Late Pleistocene deposits were distinguished in the section. The analysis of the species composition of small mammals allowed us to trace the paleoenvironmental and climatic changes in the region during the Quaternary. The unique succession of 19 faunal horizons and 11 horizons of buried soils in the section and a high degree of correlation of the paleomagnetic and paleontological data allow us to state that the studied Ulan-Zhalga section can serve as an important object for paleogeographical reconstruction and biostratigraphy. In addition, the new data obtained allow us to refer this section as one of the Upper Cenozoic key sections of the southern Eastern Siberia.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1035-1038
pages 1035-1038 views

Structure and Age of the Fluorite-Beryl Raduga Deposit (West Sayan Mountains): Problem of Evaluation of the Metallogenic Potential of the Region

Lykhin D.A., Yarmolyuk V.V., Vorontsov A.A., Travin A.V.


The geochronological and geochemical parameters of the Raduga muscovite–fluorite–euclase–beryl deposit, located within the Kizir–Kazyr zone of rare-metal magmatism, were determined. In contrast to other deposits and ore occurrences located in this zone and represented by alkaline granites enriched in rare-metal mineralization, the formation of the Raduga deposit is associated with the metasomatic transformations of carbonate rocks. The age of this deposit, estimated by 40Ar/39Ar dating of muscovite fromberyllium fluorite–muscovite greisens, is 469.3 ± 4.5 Ma. It corresponds to the age of the ore-bearing alkaline granites. The dykes developed within the deposit are similar in composition to those within rare-metal alkaline–granite massifs, one of which is located a few kilometers from the deposit. The character of the Be–Li ore mineralization in the Raduga deposit is in good agreement with the geochemical specialization of the Early Paleozoic Kizir–Kazyr metallogenic zone. The revealed features of the relationship between the Raduga deposit and rare-metal deposits confined to alkaline granites suggest a variety of mechanisms involved in the formation of rare-metal deposits of the Kizir–Kazyr metallogenic zone. Thus, it allows us to expand the approaches for prediction and exploration of rare-metal deposits in the region.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1039-1045
pages 1039-1045 views

Age of a Cross-Layered Sand Sequence of the Yar Sredny Reference Section (Central Kamchatka): Data on Combined 230Th/238U and 14С Dating of Peat

Maksimov F.E., Pevzner M.M., Petrov A.Y., Levchenko S.B., Grigoriev V.A., Kuznetsov V.Y., Baranova N.G.


The first quantitative data on the radio-isotope age are presented for a sequence of cross-layered sands abundant in the Neopleistocene reference sections of loose sediments of Central Kamchatka. Two peat horizons buried in a sequence of cross-layered sands of Yar Sredny are studied. The results of 230Th/238U and 14С isotope dating are quite consistent. It is found that the entire sequence was probably deposited at 50–40 ka BP (Late Pleistocene, MIS-3) in contrast to the previously suggested age of 400–300 ka (Middle Pleistocene).

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1046-1050
pages 1046-1050 views

Structural Connections between the Urals and Western Siberia: A Common Stage of Formation at the Permian–Triassic Boundary

Smirnov V.N., Ivanov K.S.


The 40Ar–39Ar dating of mica from schists and blastomylonites, sampled within the limits of a fault that separates the Eastern zone of the Middle Urals, sinking beneath the sedimentary cover of the West Siberian Plate, from the structures located to the west of this plate, in the exposed part of the Urals, has shown that the final phase of deformations was represented by sinistral strike-slip faults trending submeridionally with an age of 251 Ma. The deformations studied virtually exactly coincide in time with the formation of submeridionally oriented grabens in the basement of the West Siberian Plate.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1051-1054
pages 1051-1054 views

Albian–Cenomanian Granitoid Magmatism and Copper Ore Genesis in Sikhote-Alin (Far East, Russia)

Khanchuk A.I., Ivanov V.V., Ignatiev E.K., Kovalenko S.V., Semenova D.V.


The Late Albian–Early Cenomanian epoch of Au-Cu porphyry ore mineralization has been distinguished within the Sikhote-Alin. The development of ore mineralization is associated with Albian–Cenomanian granitoids, synchronous to syn-strike-slip orogenesis and the formation of the continental lithosphere in the setting of transform continental margins. The development of Au–Mo–Cu and Cu–Au–W types of ore mineralization in the terrains of the Jurassic accretionary prism and the Early Cretaceous terrain of the epioceanic turbidite basin, correspondingly, was induced with the mantle–crustal synorogenic intrusions of granitoids. The U–Pb zircon dates (100–95 Ma, Albian–Cenomanian) of Au–Cu porphyry Malmyzh granitoids are given for the first time. The similar data available on the age of granitoids in Eastern and Southeastern Asia, which are associated with plutonogenic–hydrothermal deposits of Cu, Au, Sn and other metals, allow us to suggest that there is an Albian–Cenomanian metallogenic megabelt extending along the entire Pacific continental margin of Asia.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1055-1058
pages 1055-1058 views

New Data on the Paleoproterozoic Age of Metamorphism in the Yelabuga Deformation Zone of Volgo-Uralia, East European Craton

Fedotova A.A., Bogdanova S.V., Claesson S., Anosova M.O., Postnikov A.V., Fugzan M.M., Kirnozova T.I.


This data on the age of metamorphism of rocks of the Yelabuga zone and the geochronological data on detrital zircon from paragneisses of the same zone are presented, and their correlation with the ages of rocks from the Middle Volga megablock is made. The rocks of the Yelabuga zone and Middle Volga megablock have similar geochemical characteristics and degrees of metamorphism, but demonstrate the following differences: Paleoproterozoic metamorphism was clearly expressed in the studied rocks of the Yelabuga zone, which contrasts to rocks of the Middle Volga megablock, where no metamorphism of this age is manifested. The study of the U–Pb isotopic system in external zones of zircon crystals from the Yelabuga deformation zone suggests that rocks underwent two stages of metamorphism, 1.99 and 1.95 Ga ago.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1123-1127
pages 1123-1127 views


Parental Melts of Neoarchean Subalkaline Magmatic Rocks of the Keivy Structure (Kola Peninsula)

Vetrin V.R.


The Neoarchean subalkaline magmatism of the Keivy structure is manifested by the emplacement of the latite–monzonite–granite (LMG) volcano-plutonic association. The measured 143Nd/144Nd ratio in rocks is 0.511061–0.511365; the values of model ages fall within the interval of 3.14–3.21 Ga with εNd(2670) varying from 2.2 to –1.3. The initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios in zircon are within the range of 0.280950–0.281069, and composition data points make up a field in the region of the evolutionary trend of the chondritic uniform reservoir. As based on isotope and geochemical data, the protoliths of all rocks are assumed to be basic. In terms of the εHf(T) value, the data points of the zircon composition fall within the domain of the crust with 176Lu/177Hf = 0.015 and an age of 3.0–3.3 Ga. This suggests that the parental melts were probably formed predominantly from material that spent a long time in the crust. The parental melts of the LMG association presumably formed as a result of the melting of metasomatically altered basic rocks during the intrusion into the lower crust of basaltic plutons, which were parental for the rocks of the dyke suite and gabbrolabradorite intrusions in the upper crust.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1059-1062
pages 1059-1062 views

Patterns of the Distribution of Rare-Earth Elements in Waters of Mud Volcanoes

Elovskiy E.V., Puzich I.N., Ershov V.V.


The original data on the distribution of rare-earth elements in waters of mud volcanoes of Sakhalin Island, Taman Peninsula, and Azerbaijan are presented. It has been shown that the mud volcano waters with a sum of rare-earth elements less than 0.5 μg/l are enriched with heavy lanthanides and characterized by a deficiency of Ce. As illustrated by the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk mud volcano, the content of rare-earth elements is higher in active gryphons.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1063-1065
pages 1063-1065 views

Isotopic Composition of Waters in Salt Lakes of Eastern Transbaikal

Borzenko S.V.


The isotopic composition of the natural waters of Eastern Transbaikal is studied. It is established that the water of the soda lakes is more enriched in oxygen-18 than in deuterium. It is shown that the enrichment of the salt-lake waters in heavy isotopes occurs not only due to the evaporation process, but also due to water–rock interaction. The participation of the aluminosilicate hydrolysis reactions in the fractionation of oxygen is confirmed by the direct dependence of the magnitude of the oxygen shift on pH, the value of which depends on the degree of such interaction.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1089-1093
pages 1089-1093 views

Paleogeography of the Bazhenov Formation of Western Siberia According to the Distribution of Rare Earth Elements

Ivanov K.S., Volkov V.A., Vakhrusheva N.V.


The Bazhenov Formation is represented by Late Jurassic black shales. Russia is the first in the world by the reserves of shale oil, which is mostly related to the Bazhenov Formation. To reconstruct the sedimentation settings for the main types of formation of rocks, the distributions of lanthanides have been used. The results pointed to the formation of the Bazhenov deposits in relatively shallow environments, within the inner and outer shelf of the epicontinental sea, similarly to the Kara Sea or the East Siberian Sea. The deep-water part of the epicontinental sea was located north of the Latitudinal Priobye. These results confirm some previous estimates, but have been obtained on the basis of quite different and independent data. The geochemical study of different types of rocks of the Bazhenov Formation gave identical results, which testifies in favor of the reliability of the results obtained.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1094-1096
pages 1094-1096 views

Sulfur Isotope Composition of Ru–Os Sulfides from the Verkh-Neivinsky Dunite-Harzburgite Massif (Middle Urals, Russia): New Data

Murzin V.V., Badanina I.Y., Malitch K.N., Ignatiev A.V., Velivetskaya T.A.


This study presents the first data set of sulfur isotope compositions of primary Ru–Os sulfides, represented by laurite (RuS2) – erlichmanite (OsS2) series, within a primary platinum-group mineral (PGM) assemblage derived from the Verkh-Neivinsky dunite-harzburgite massif, a typical example of the mantle ophiolite association at the Middle Urals. The S-isotope signatures of Ru–Os sulfides studied are consistent with derivation of the ore material from a mantle source.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1097-1099
pages 1097-1099 views

The First Find of Oxyborates in Rocks of the Norilsk-1 Intrusion (Northwestern Siberian Platform)

Shevko A.Y., Kalugin V.M., Gora M.P., Karmanov N.S.


In the taxitic gabbro-dolerites of the upper contact zone of the Norilsk-1 intrusion, five boron minerals were found: kotoite Mg3(BO3)2, suanite Mg2B2O5, warwickite (Mg,Ti,Fe,Cr,Al)2O(BO3), ludwigite (Mg)2Fe3+O2(BO3), and azoproite (Mg,Fe2+)2(Fe3+,Ti,Mg)O2(BO3). This is the first find of oxyborates in the rocks of the Norilsk ore-bearing intrusions and in the Norilsk province as a whole. Oxyborates occur as inclusions in olivine in the recrystallization zones of taxitic gabbro-dolerites. This indicates that they formed at the late-magmatic or postmagmatic stage as result of the interaction between rocks and boron-bearing fluids associated with an ore-bearing intrusion. Microinclusions of boron minerals could be the cause of elevated concentrations of boron in the rocks. This is a characteristic feature of Norilsk PGE–Cu–Ni-bearing intrusions that can be used as a prospecting criterion.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1100-1102
pages 1100-1102 views

Origin, Occurrence, and Mobility of He and Ar Isotopes in Meliphanite

Lyalina L.M., Kamensky I.L., Tolstikhin I.D.


The U, Th, and 4He contents of meliphanite correspond to an age of metamorphism (1800 Ma) indicating good preservation of radiogenic 4He in mineral but contradicting the experience of U–Th–4He dating. For the analysis of this result, we studied preservation of 3He, which was found to be very low (~2%). The 3,4He isotopes occur in radiation tracks, the intersection of which with cleavage planes provide for their migration from the mineral. Thus, 4He originated from U and Th decay should be completely lost. Meliphanite entraps He, which probably occurs in specific volumes of its crystal structure. Extraction of He isotopes from meliphanite upon vacuum heating supports this conclusion. Application of only one U–Th–4He system for dating (as often applied in thermochronology) may yield erroneous results. Identification of the origin of He in minerals requires using both isotopes (3He and 4He).

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1120-1122
pages 1120-1122 views


Contribution of Natural and Anthropogenic Emissions of CO2 and CH4 to the Atmosphere from the Territory of Russia to Global Climate Changes in the Twenty-first Century

Denisov S.N., Eliseev A.V., Mokhov I.I.


Estimates of the contribution of anthropogenic and natural greenhouse gases to the atmosphere from the territory of Russia to global climate change under different scenarios of anthropogenic emissions in the 21st century are obtained. It is shown that the consideration of the changes in climate conditions can strongly affect the indicators of impacts of different greenhouse gas emissions on the climate system, especially over long time horizons. In making decisions, it is necessary to take into account that, with respect to the planning horizon, the role of natural flows of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from the terrestrial ecosystems can change. Currently, in the Russian regions, CO2 uptake by terrestrial ecosystems decelerate global warming, and their CH4 release into the atmosphere accelerate it. In this case, the general effect of natural fluxes of these greenhouse gases from the Russian regions under modern conditions foster deceleration of warming. The role of this effect decelerating warming will grow in the first half of the 21st century, and after reaching the maximum, which depends on the scenario of anthropogenic emissions, it will decrease by the end of the century under all scenarios of anthropogenic impacts considered due to the growth of natural emissions of CH4 and a decrease in the absorption of CO2 by the terrestrial ecosystems.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1066-1071
pages 1066-1071 views

Conjugacy Problem for Stationary Heat Fields

Ladovskiy I.V., Martyshko P.S., Byzov D.D., Tsidaev A.G.


An analytical solution for the stationary problem of thermal conjugation is obtained for the model of inhomogeneous layered media. The heat flux components for the crust and the mantle are separated. Recalculation of the mantle component of the flux down to the mantle top was performed, and the results were compared with the relief of deep structures.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1072-1075
pages 1072-1075 views

The Saltating Particle Aleurite Mode in Wind–Sand Flux over a Desertified Area

Gorchakov G.I., Buntov D.V., Karpov A.V., Kopeikin V.M., Mirsaitov S.F., Gushchin R.A., Datsenko O.I.


The saltating particle aleurite mode has been discovered in the wind–sand flux over a desertified area. The approximation of the measured saltating particle distribution was found using two lognormal distribution functions. In the wind–sand flux, the countable concentrations of aleurite and sand particles depend differently on the wind velocity in the atmospheric surface layer.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1103-1106
pages 1103-1106 views

The Geomagnetic Effect of Earthquakes

Spivak A.A., Riabova S.A.


Based on the results of instrumental observations carried out at a number of mid-latitude observatories of the INTERMAGNET network and at the Mikhnevo Geophysical Observatory (Institute of Geospheres Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences), it is shown that strong earthquakes are accompanied by increased variations in the Earth’s magnetic field. In this case, the short-period (period of ~0.5–0.8 min) and long-period (~5–20 min) stages of increased geomagnetic variations are clearly distinguished. The maximum amplitudes of induced geomagnetic variations for short-period and long-period variations are 1.5–2 and 2–4 nT, respectively. Induced geomagnetic disturbances of similar morphology and almost synchronous nature are noted at observatories located at significantly different distances from the earthquake source.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1107-1110
pages 1107-1110 views

Investigation of Migrating Seismicity in the Lithosphere of the Baikal Rift Zone

Klyuchevskii A.V., Kakourova A.A.


Based on “Catalog of earthquakes in the Baikal Region” (52700 earthquakes of representative energy classes KP > 8, 1964–2013) at the angular sector of azimuthal analysis being q = 10° (±5 from azimuth α), quasilinear chains of earthquakes (M = 2143) were distinguished. As a result, the basic laws of the space–time and energy distribution of these chains in the lithosphere of the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) were established. The maximal quantity of chains was distinguished among weak earthquakes: a number of chains decreases as KP grows following the law of frequency logM = f(KP) is sloped at –0.48. Azimuths 50°–60° and 240°–260° correspond to the orientation of main seismogenic faults and the epicentral field in the BRZ. In space-time distribution of chains are observed maximum corresponding to high density epicenters and earthquake flow rates. In order to study seismicity migration, the index of migrating seismicity activity (ISMA), which is characterized at a given level of significance the seismicity migration/pseudomigration ratio has been used. The maps of the ISMA distribution over the territory and graphs of ISMA annual variations were constructed. The results obtained indicate a direct relationship between migrating seismicity in the BRZ and the locations and activations of rifting attractor structures (RAS).

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1128-1133
pages 1128-1133 views


New Data on the Middle–Late Holocene Evolution of Vegetation Cover in the Northern Baikal Region

Vershinin K.E., Osipov E.Y.


A continuous peat bog section from a barely accessible mid-mountain area in the northwestern Baikal region has been obtained for the first time. The materials were studied by methods such as pollen–spore analysis, analysis of plant cell remains, and radiocarbon dating (calibrated data). The smallest peat accumulation rates in East Siberia during the Holocene are revealed. In accordance with the calculated peat accumulation rates, the time resolution is 100 years in the lower part of the section, it is while up to 800 years in the upper one. Six local palynozones and five botanic zones have been distinguished using factor analysis. The vegetation cover changes and environmental moisture conditions for the last 7670 years are reconstructed. The altitude of the forest line is specified for the first time in a quarter of a century.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1076-1080
pages 1076-1080 views

Holocene Methane Emissions in the Southwestern Sea of Okhotsk: Evidence from Carbon Isotopes in Benthic Foraminifera Shells

Pletnev S.P., Romanova A.V., Wu Y., Annin V.K., Utkin I.V., Vereshchagina O.F.


Several negative stable carbon isotope excursions are revealed in benthic foraminifera from the LV50-05 gas-bearing core collected from an area of active methane venting on the eastern slope of Sakhalin Island, Sea of Okhotsk. Within the study area, four methane events (ME) were established to have taken place during the Holocene, short-term ones—ME-1 (700–900 yrs BP) and ME-2 (1200–1400 yrs BP)—and long-term ones—ME-3 (2500–5400 yrs BP) and ME-4 (7400–10 000 yrs BP).

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1081-1083
pages 1081-1083 views

Geography of Emerging and Reemerging Natural-Focal Diseases in Russia

Malkhazova S.M., Mironova V.A., Pestina P.V., Prasolova A.I.


The geography of emerging and reemerging natural-focal diseases on the territory of Russia is considered. The data on the distribution and features of epidemic manifestation of eight model infections (ixodid tick-borne borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tularemia, leptospirosis, West Nile fever, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, and Astrakhan rickettsiosis fever) from different groups of emerging diseases are presented. The risk of exposure to these infections among the population in the European part of Russia is assessed, and they are mapped within the natural borders (biomes).

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1111-1114
pages 1111-1114 views

New Chronological, Paleontological, and Geochemical Data on the Formation of Glacier-Dammed Lakes in the Kurai Depression (Southeastern Russian Altai) at the End of the Late Pleistocene

Agatova A.R., Nepop R.K., Khazin L.B., Zhdanova A.N., Uspenskaya O.N., Ovchinnikov I.Y., Moska P.


One of the debated problems in Pleistocene paleogeography of the Altai region is the extent and time of existence of the last glacier-dammed lakes. For the first time paleontological, mineralogical characteristics, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of lacustrine deposits confirm accumulation of ice-dammed lake with depth at least 170 m in Kurai basin during the second marine isotopic stage (MIS-2 according to SPECMAP scale), 16‒19 ka BP. In addition, new information about the ecology and evolution of this Sartanian reservoir is obtained. The consequences of its draining had been less catastrophic than the previous glacial lake outburst floods; however, the lake limited human colonization of the depression in the Late Paleolithic. Drying of the lake determined the formation of the modern river network, including the outlet of the Chuya River along the gorge between the mouths of the Maashei and Belgibash rivers. These new data indicate that the Kurai–Chuya and Uimon depressions had different evolutions at the end of the Late Pleistocene.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1134-1136
pages 1134-1136 views

Variations of Stable Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in the Ice Core of the Pingo (Southern Part of Gydan Peninsula)

Vasil’chuk Y.K., Kurchatova A.N., Budantseva N.A., Rogov V.V., Chizhova J.N.


The vertical isotopic profile of the ice core of a Messoyakha-1 bulgunniakh (pingo)—was obtained. The pingo is situated at 68°30′32″ N, 79°59′53″ E, in the southern part of the Gydan Peninsula within the Middle Messoyakha swell. No significant variations were registered in the isotopic composition of the pingo ice core: δ18О varied from –14.98 to –16.60‰ and δ2Н varied from –117.9 to –122.8 ‰. This small range of values probably resulted from intense heaving and rather rapid formation of the pingo. Based on the features of the pingo, it can be assumed that initially there was a lake of 0.5 km length and 0.3 km width at this site. Then, the water drained into a nearby river, the lake began to dry out, and the khasyrey (alas), which occupies most of the former lake area, was formed. The pingo itself arose during the freezing of the alas under its gradual drying out.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1137-1141
pages 1137-1141 views


Methodology of Directional Development of Local Biocenoses for Optimization of Monitoring and Improvement of the Marine Environment on the Shelves of Russia

Ushivtsev V.B., Vostokov S.V., Lobkovsky L.I., Vodovsky N.B., Galaktionova M.L.


The results of the field experiments on the directional development of local biocenoses based on bottom biostations situated in the areas with a high anthropogenic load in the Northern and Middle Caspian are presented. The structural and functional characteristics of the local communities compared to background indicators are studied; the biodiversity and informativeness of the communities as objects of monitoring and bioindication are assessed. The prospects of using the methodology of directional development of biocenoses on artificial substrates for optimization and improvement of the marine environment in the areas of active development of hydrocarbon resources on the shelves of Russia are discussed.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1084-1088
pages 1084-1088 views

The Circulation Effect of Flow around Objects in Marine and Atmospheric Environments

Korchagin N.N., Vladimirov I.Y.


Analytical expressions are obtained describing the hydrodynamic response to the circulation of flow of a two-layer fluid of finite depth around a point dipole. The dependences of the wave resistance and lifting force on the flow velocity, density jump, circulation, and depth of the sea are investigated. It is shown that the influence of the velocity circulation leads to a change in the lifting force applied to the dipole. Such changes are reversible in a relatively narrow range of the flow velocity around a pipeline. In addition to the flow around a pipeline, similar properties of the effect of circulation on the lifting force can also appear around self-propelled underwater objects and aircrafts.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(1):1115-1119
pages 1115-1119 views

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