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Vol 488, No 2 (2019)


New Minimal 87Sr/86Sr Values in Permian Biogenic Carbonates of the Omolon Massif (Northeastern Asia)

Biakov A.S., Brynko I.V., Bond D.P., Harvey J., Goryachev N.A., Vedernikov I.L., Filimonova T.V.


For the first time very low values (up to 0.706707) of the ratio 87Sr/86Sr were recorded in the biogenic carbonates of the Omolon massif (Northeast Asia) of the Capitanian age. These results are in good agreement with previously obtained data on limestones in Japan (Kani et al., 2013; 2018). In general, the strontium ratio curve constructed by us repeats the well-known world trend, differing by its somewhat underestimated (by an average of 0.0005–0.0008) values. The Capitanian strontium minimum can be associated with the entry into the ocean of significant amounts of lightweight femic strontium due to a sharp increase in paleospreading. The maximum values of the strontium ratio, obtained from the middle part of the Intomodesma evenicum bivalve Subzone are 0.706986, which corresponds to the lower part of the Changhsingian stage.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1143-1147
pages 1143-1147 views

Geochemical Environments of the Archean–Proterozoic

Kuznetsov V.G.


In the Precambrian sequence, namely, in the Proterozoic, Archean calcium and ferruginous carbonate rocks changed to magnesian carbonate ones. This correlates with the massive development of cyanobacteria, the carbon dioxide absorption and oxygen generation of which led to a change from the Archean acidic reducing environments to alkaline oxidizing environments in the Proterozoic.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1148-1151
pages 1148-1151 views

Active Faults in the Kerch Peninsula: New Results

Ovsyuchenko A.N., Vakarchuk R.N., Korzhenkov A.M., Larkov A.S., Sysolin A.I., Rogozhin E.A., Marakhanov A.V.


This paper reports recently obtained research data on active faults in the Kerch Peninsula. The compiled Map of Active Faults demonstrates foci of Late Holocene strong earthquakes. This map is a regional seismotectonic model of strong earthquake foci, and a detailed basis for prediction of spatial seismic hazards. According to the research results, the Kerch Peninsula is characterized by the features of classical morphostructures, while the morphology of recent peninsula contours is caused by large active fault zones.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1152-1156
pages 1152-1156 views

Bol’shoi Ilek as the Ilek Formation Stratotype of the Lower Cretaceous and a New Dinosaur and Mammoth Fauna Site in the Southeastern Western Siberia

Leshchinskiy S.V., Faingerts A.V., Ivantsov S.V.


This paper clarifies the structure of the Bol’shoi Ilek section (height up to 83 m), which is composed by the deposits of Cretaceous and Quaternary systems, in the southeastern part of Western Siberia. The major volume of the section comprises the Lower Cretaceous rocks of the delta complex, reaching a thickness of 80 m and characterizing the Ilek Formation stratotype. The remains of fishes, lizards, turtles, crocodiliforms, dinosaurs, and mammals typical for the Barremian–Early Albian were found for the first time when screen-washing the sand fraction. The Mesozoic rocks are superposed by Quaternary eolian–deluvial and eluvial deposits with a thickness of 3–13.5 m or more. This sequence consists of three layers with mammoth fauna remains, the middle of which is dated at 14C ~ 22 500 years ago. In addition, according to the investigation data, Bol’shoi Ilek is a huge landslide with an area of more than 1 km2. All these facts make it possible to draw an analogy with the even-aged section of the Shestakovo high bank which also partially exposes the giant landslide. Such landslides are triggered by earthquakes with a magnitude of more than nine points, which is indicative of a powerful seismic event that occurred in the southeastern part of the study region at the very end of the Pleistocene.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1157-1160
pages 1157-1160 views

A Finding of Mollusks Watsonella crosbyi Grabau (Gastropoda: Helcionelliformes) in the Botomian of China

Parkhaev P.Y.


The mollusk species Watsonella crosbyi Grabau, 1900 was found among other mollusks in the Lower Botomian strata of the Xinji Formation on the Northern China Platform (Shaanxi Province). Taxonomically the mollusk assemblage is extremely similar to that from the Mernmerna Formation, Parara Limestone, and Sellick Hill Formation of Southern Australia, the Bastion Formation of Laurentia, and the uppermost Emyaksin Formation of the Siberian Platform. All these strata can be aged as Early Botomian. The new finding of Watsonella crosbyi confirms the significant time range of the species distribution (Tommotian–Botomian) and raises doubts about newly proposed correlations of the Lower Cambrian of Southern Australia making the previously determined age of the formations one or even two ages older.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1161-1165
pages 1161-1165 views


Sources of Zircons from Clastic Rocks of the Riphean Sequences of the Urals

Krasnobaev A.A., Puchkov V.N., Sergeeva N.D., Busharina S.V.


New dates of detrital zircons from sandstones expand the possibilities to interpret their source areas. These interpretations are often constrained by a formal comparison of the geochronological and compositional features of detrital crystals with any very remote complexes. However, there is another situation when the local complexes pretend to be a source of detrital material. Analyses of isotope–geochronological (SHRIMP and TIMS) dates of zircons, the U and Th concentrations, and the comparison of age histograms of primary zircons from Riphean volcanics and rocks of the Taratash complex and detrital zircons from the Vendian (Asha Group) and Lower Riphean (Ai Formation) sandstones have shown that zircon age variations and source areas of zircons are comparable in many aspects. It follows that the geochronological features of primary zircons from the Riphean volcanics and rocks of the Taratash complex as sources of detrital zircons for the Riphean and Vendian sandstones in the Southern Urals are controlled by redeposition processes, though the influence of distant source areas remains possible.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1166-1172
pages 1166-1172 views

Inverse Modeling for Evaluation of the Kinetic Parameters of Metamorphic Reactions in Texture-Homogenous Rocks

Likhanov I.I.


To obtain the kinetic parameters of diffusion-controlled mineral reactions in texture-homogenous rocks, a new approach is proposed. The method is based on comparison of the modeling concepts of the thermal field evolution to the observed variations in the chemical composition of minerals within the contact aureole of the Kharlovo gabbro massif. The effective rate of mineral reactions involving biotite (~10–12 s–1) and the effective coefficient of diffusion (5.29 × 10–16 cm2/s at T = 475°C) are determined. The results of theoretical modeling are in agreement with the data on the rates of reactions of contact metamorphism, as well as with the empirical estimates of the coefficients of diffusion at grain boundaries in mineral aggregates and segregations under the corresponding PT parameters.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1173-1177
pages 1173-1177 views

Biosorption of Chemical Elements from Multicomponent Solutions by Microfungal Biomass

Pavlova L.M., Shumilova L.P., Radomskaya V.I., Sorokin A.P., Ivanov V.V.


Data on the species and strain specificity of micromycetes in the processes of toxic elements extraction from multicomponent solutions are obtained as results of modal experiments. The results also indicate the possibility of biogenic mineral formation in organic strata.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1178-1181
pages 1178-1181 views

Mobility of Radiogenic Isotopes 4Не and 3Не and Their Retention in a Mineral (by the Example of Amphibole)

Gudkov A.V., Kolobov V.V., Tarakanov S.S., Tolstikhin I.N.
Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1193-1195
pages 1193-1195 views

New Data on the Age of Neoproterozoic Volcanic Rocks of the Isakovka Terrane, Sayan–Yenisei Accretion Belt (U–Pb, Zircon)

Kozlov P.S., Likhanov I.I., Ivanov K.S., Nozhkin A.D., Zinoviev S.V.


A Late Neoproterozoic U–Pb zircon age is established for the first time for arc metadacites (691 ± 8.8 Ma) and basalts (572 ± 6.5 Ma) from the Kiselikha Formation of the Kutukas Series. The manifestation of basaltic volcanism is associated with rifting processes. Our studies specify the Late Precambrian stratigraphy of the Yenisei Range and the evolutionary features of the Sayan–Yenisei accretion belt at the Neoproterozoic stage of its history. The fold-and-thrust structures of the junction zone between the Yenisei Range and the West Siberian Plate may be favorable in terms of the search for unconventional oil and gas traps.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1196-1199
pages 1196-1199 views

Nikmelnikovite, Ca12Fe2+Fe\(_{3}^{{3 + }}\)Al3(SiO4)6(OH)20: A New Mineral from the Kovdor Massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia)

Krivovichev S.V., Yakovenchuk V.N., Panikorovskii T.L., Savchenko E.E., Pakhomovsky Y.A., Mikhailova Y.A., Selivanova E.A., Kadyrova G.I., Ivanyuk G.Y.


Nikmelnikovite, Ca12Fe2+Fe\(_{3}^{{3 + }}\)Al3(SiO4)6(OH)20, a new mineral from the Kovdor massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia), is described. It is the first trigonal representative of the garnet supergroup. The mineral is named in honor of Academician Nikolai Nikolaevich Melnikov (1938–2018), an outstanding Soviet and Russia mining engineer, long-time (1981–2015) director of the Mining Institute of the Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1200-1202
pages 1200-1202 views

Estimation of Accumulation of Chromium Ion Impurities in the CaSiO3 and MgSiO3 Phases of the Earth’s Lower Mantle at Pressures of 18–25 GPa

Marchenko E.I., Bobrov A.V., Eremin N.N.


Based on the data of atomic modeling, the different schemes of isomorphic incorporation of Cr3+ ions into the crystal structures of CaSiO3 and MgSiO3 were tested in the pressure range of 18–25 GPa and at temperatures of 1873–2223 K. Under these PT parameters, the content of Cr3+ in these structures was estimated quantitatively. The semi-empirical simulation data are in good agreement with the results of experiments.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1203-1206
pages 1203-1206 views

Trace Elements in Naphthides in Oil and Gas Basins

Punanova S.A.


The distribution of trace elements, physical and chemical properties of the oil, and geological and geochemical features of oil formation in world oil and gas basins were studied. It was shown that hydrocarbon ontogenesis associated with deep tectonic transformations (geodynamic factor) controls not just the distribution of naphthides in the sedimentary cover, but also the diversity of their metallogenic specialization. The classification of oils from various ontogenesis zones is given in accordance with their enrichment in trace elements and with the metallogenic (vanadium or nickel) type. Oil characterized by large primary concentrations of trace elements of the main zone of oil formation and oil with low initial concentrations of trace elements in the zones of early generation are presented. Transformation of the oil composition in the areas of hypergenesis leads to their enrichment, whereas the oil of the catagenesis zone is depleted in trace elements.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1207-1210
pages 1207-1210 views

Thermochronology of the Cordilleran-Type Metamorphic Core Complex: The Example of the Song Chay Massif, Northern Vietnam

Vladimirov A.G., Travin A.V., Anh P.L., Murzintsev N.G., Mikheev E.I.


Based on reconstruction of the thermal evolution of the Song-Chai gneiss–granite massif (Northern Vietnam), the long-term occurrence of granitoid magma at deep levels of the Earth’s crust (H = 15–20 km, Δt ~ 20–50 Ma) is established. The geodynamic analysis and mathematical modeling of the history of consolidation and cooling of the granitoid batholith shows that the magmatic chamber was a thermal trap at the lower level of the Earth’s crust, preserving the residual granite melt for a long time. The removal of this thermal trap from the quasi-stationary state occurs in the zones of transform sliding of lithospheric plates and is accompanied by tectonic exposure of large segments of the Earth’s crust. Ultimately, this leads to transformation of the batholiths into a metamorphic core complex of the Cordilleran-type, to emplacement of residual melts, and, consequently, to the formation of commercial rare-metal deposits.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1231-1239
pages 1231-1239 views

Phase Relations upon the Interaction of Phlogopite with a Carbonate Melt at P = 3.8 GPa

Gorbachev N.S., Kostyuk A.V., Shapovalov Y.B., Gorbachev P.N., Nekrasov A.N., Soultanov D.M.


Phase relations in the phlogopite–carbonate system were studied at P = 3.8 GPa and T = 1200–1300°C. The interaction of phlogopite with the carbonate melt resulted in the formation of a polymineral association of relict and newly formed phases of the phlogopite–carbonate–clinopyroxene–spinel–garnet composition coexisting with the carbonate melt. Upon increasing the temperature from 1200 to 1300°C, the solubility of phlogopite and the concentrations of its components (Si, Al, Mg, and K) increase in the carbonate melt. The phase composition of the quenching phases of the carbonate melt varies from substantially carbonate with isolated microcrystals of apatite and phlogopite at 1200°C to phlogopite–carbonate with a variety of textural relationships at 1300°C, which indicates the spontaneous crystallization of the carbonate melt upon quenching. Within the studied P–T range close to the mantle adiabat, phlogopite remains stable in the presence of the silicate–carbonate melt.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1240-1244
pages 1240-1244 views

Sources of Terrigenous Clastic Material of the Pechenga Ore-Bearing Structure from Data of Detrital Zircon Isotopic Analysis (SIMS SHRIMP-II, LA-ICPMS)

Smol’kin V.F., Mezhelovskaya S.V., Mezhelovsky A.D.


The research results were received from studying the Pechenga ore-bearing Paleoproterozoic structure, which is located on the northwestern part of the Kola region. The U–Th–Pb zircon age was determined by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) on the Sensitive High-Resolution Ion microprobe (SHRIMP-II) spectrometer and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) on the ThermoQuest Finnigan MAT Neptune instrument. Basalt conglomerates of the Televi Formation, red gritstones of the Luchlompolo Formation, and high-siliceous turbidites from the middle part of the Matert Formation were tested. On the U–Pb concordia diagram, the part of analytical points for zircon from conglomerates are approximated by the discordia with a top intercept at 2792 ± 7 Ma. All zircon grains from gritstone are located on the concordia. Most of the values of their ages lie within 2700–2820 Ma, and the lesser part of the age values lies within 2840–3000 Ma. Single grains have an age from 3037 ± 4 Ma to 3698 ± 8 Ma. The concordant value of the 207Pb/206Pb age, which is 2640 ± 16 Ma, was established for turbidite zircon. Rocks of the basement at the northern rim of the Pechenga structure: gneisses of the Kirkenes, Varanger, and Svanvik complexes (2715, 2803, and 2825 Ma) and high-aluminous gneisses (2798–2830 Ma) were sources of zircon for conglomerates and gritstones. Granitoids from the southern flank of the structure were sources of zircon for turbidites. The predominant role of the zircon group with an age of 2.7 Ga proves the global increment of the continental crust during this period. The ancient age of zircon (3.0–3.7 Ga) of red-colored gritstones is related to deeper erosion of the basement and exposure of the Eoarchaean and Mezoarchaean rocks at the northern rim during the period of the first global “Oxygen revolution” (2.4–2.3 Ga).

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1245-1249
pages 1245-1249 views


Seismic Attributes of the Podvodnikov Basin Basement

Butsenko V.V., Poselov V.A., Zholondz S.M., Smirnov O.E.


The purpose of this work was to study the seismic attributes of the Podvodnikov Basin basement. It was found that these attributes, first of all, P-wave velocities of 5.9–6.2 km/s, the ratio VP/VS = 1.71, and the diffraction nature of the reflections from the basement indicate that the basin has a continental origin and that its tectonic development began at the pre-oceanic stage of evolution of the Arctic.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1182-1185
pages 1182-1185 views

Shear Wave Velocity in the Top of the Earth’s Inner Core

Krasnoshchekov D.N., Ovtchinnikov V.M., Usoltseva O.A.


Analysis of PKIIKP waves reflected off the inner surface of the solid core boundary and recorded close to the antipode indicates that the shear wave velocity at its top can be 10–60% below the value of 3.5 km/s envisaged by standard models of the Earth.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1186-1189
pages 1186-1189 views

Peculiarities of the Earth’s Free Oscillations after the Sea of Okhotsk Deep-Focus Earthquake of May 24, 2013

Kuzin I.P., Lobkovsky L.I., Dozorova K.A.


A description of the initial excitation of spheroidal mode 0S2 initiated by the 2013 Sea of Okhotsk earthquake (Mw = 8.3) is presented. It is based on the newly revealed fact of the origination of a standing P-wave in the epicenter of the Sea of Okhotsk earthquake and excitation of the traveling surface P-waves on the Earth’s surface by this wave. A new interpretation of the nature of the Earth’s free spheroidal oscillations in the case of a strong earthquake (M ≥ 7.5) is proposed. The spheroidal mode 0S2 is interpreted as a combination of standing and traveling P-waves, transferring the energy of Earth’s deformations.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1250-1252
pages 1250-1252 views


Regularities of the Variability of Large-Scale Sea Ice Drift Structures in the Arctic Ocean (Based on Satellite Data, 1978–2017)

Volkov V.A., Mushta A.V., Demchev D.M.


On the basis of a 39-year record of satellite-based data, three basic types of large-scale structures of sea ice drift that are typical for the winter season have been distinguished. The types of atmospheric circulation that create the structure of sea ice drift fields have been revealed. The mechanism by which the drift field variations affect the interannual variations of the extent of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean has been described.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1190-1192
pages 1190-1192 views

Contribution of Climatic and Anthropogenic Factors to Changes in the Flow of Large Rivers of the Russian Plain and Siberia

Georgiadi A.G., Koronkevich N.I., Barabanova E.A., Kashutina E.A., Milyukova I.P.


Changes in the annual and seasonal flow of the Volga, Don, Yenisei, and Lena rivers were estimated by two independent methods. One of them is based on the data of water management statistics. The other method is based on reconstruction of the natural flow over recent decades, during which the flow experienced significant anthropogenic changes. The naturalized flow is subsequently compared with the real-time (anthropogenically modified) flow for this period and for the preceding base period, when the anthropogenic impact can be neglected. It was shown that climatic and anthropogenic factors affect the flow either unidirectionally, increasing or decreasing it, or in opposite ways. In addition, the impact of anthropogenic factors, including the regulating effect of reservoirs and water consumption, is comparable with the impact of climatic factors and even exceeds it in many cases.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1211-1216
pages 1211-1216 views

Change in the River Water Regime of the Ural River Basin

Sivokhip Z.T., Pavleychik V.M., Chibilev A.A.


Based on analysis of the annual and seasonal variability of river runoff, the specificity of the water regime of the Ural River basin is determined. It is established that in recent decades there has been a trend to the redistribution of seasonal runoff expressed in an increase in the share of winter low-water runoff. Based on analysis of the difference integral curves, phases of different water content are revealed; the prevalence of common-mode runoff fluctuations indicates the leading role of climatic factors of runoff formation. An important feature of the regime of the rivers in the steppe regions is the intra-annual variability of runoff, which forms extreme hydrological situations (low water or high water). The results obtained should be considered in organizing cost-effective and environmentally safe water use in the Ural River basin.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1217-1221
pages 1217-1221 views

Laws for Size Distribution of Khasyreis

Victorov A.S., Orlov T.V., Arkhipova M.V.


The results of empirical verification of the theoretical law of exponential distribution of khasyrei areas substantiated in a mathematical model for a morphological pattern of the thermokarst plains with fluvial erosion are presented. This statement is verified at 18 sites located in various regions of the cryolithozone in different physicogeographical environments using high-resolution satellite imagery data. The hypothesis is confirmed in 80% of samples. This confirms the model developed and makes it possible to conclude that the distribution of the khasyrei radii in the different environments obeys a Rayleigh distribution.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1253-1255
pages 1253-1255 views

Climatic Reasons for the Current Expansion of the Range of the Italian Locust in Russia and Neighboring Countries

Popova E.N., Popov I.O.


The species climatic range of a dangerous locust pest, called the Italian locust, was modelled for the territories of Russia and neighboring countries over two time periods of 1956–1975 and 1996–2015. On the basis of analysis of the constructed schematic map, the northward expansion of the climatic range of the Italian locust in 1996–2015 in comparison to the period of 1956–1975 is shown. The expansion is explained by the increasing trend of the average global surface air temperature in recent decades. The obtained data can be used for monitoring locust pests in agriculture.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1256-1258
pages 1256-1258 views

Holocene Deposits of the Southeastern Coast of the Gorlo Strait (White Sea): New Data of Diatom and Radiocarbon Analyses

Shilova O.S., Zaretskaya N.E., Repkina T.Y.


Diatom analysis and radiocarbon dating of the sedimentary cover of terraces on the southeastern coast of the Gorlo Strait (White Sea) were carried out for the first time. The studies were conducted at sites from Cape Veprevskii to Cape Intsy. The Holocene marine sediments were traced up to 4 m a.s.l. The relative sea level rose during the Boreal and the first half of the Atlantic periods. The sea level reached the present value not earlier than 8500 14C ysr BP and probably was stabilized at 3.5–4.0 m a.s.l. about 6300 14C yrs BP. The sea regression is dated to approximately 3000 14C yrs BP, when the marine settings of sediment accumulation changed to continental ones. The higher levels were formed prior to 9500–8500 14C yrs BP and were not later flooded by the sea according to the data of diatom analysis. During the Early Holocene regression, the assumptive paleosol horizons were formed there. They are covered by lacustrine, peaty, and aeolian sediments.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1259-1263
pages 1259-1263 views


The Energy Spectrum of the Current Velocity in the Deep Part of the Black Sea

Klyuvitkin A.A., Ostrovskii A.G., Lisitzin A.P., Konovalov S.K.


In 2016–2017, the yearly long measurements of the current velocities were carried out at 100 m depth below the thermocline and at 1700 m depth for the first time, which was about 100 m above the seabed using the mooring station in the deep central part of the Black Sea. The analysis of this new dataset allowed us to uncover the following. In the near-bottom layer, significant current velocities were recorded reaching a peak magnitude of 0.13 m/s. Near the frequency of 1 × 10–6 Hz, in the transition region of the energy spectrum, the spectral energy of the deep current was close to that observed in the same range in the sea layer below the thermocline. In the range of the balanced geostrophic motions at a depth of 1700 m, the energy spectrum had a slope of –2.8, which should be compared to the spectrum slope of –1.8 obtained for the current below the thermocline at the depth of 100 m. Regular strong currents were observed around the local inertial frequency fI. There was a “blue shift” of the inertial maximum up to 5% with respect to fI in the energy spectrum.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1222-1226
pages 1222-1226 views

Internal Waves of Mode 2 in the Black Sea

Serebryany A.N., Khimchenko E.E.


The results of the first observations of mode 2 internal waves in the Black Sea are presented. The measurements were carried out on the Crimean shelf from the MGI platform in July 2011. In the period after the sweep when the measurements were performed, mode 1 inertial internal waves were observed first and then mode 2. The oscillations of mode 2 were most pronounced in the vertical displacements of the water column, reaching the amplitudes of 10 m. The features of mode 2 were also noted in fluctuations of the horizontal component of the currents. Along with the registration of mode 2 inertial internal waves, the appearance of short-period internal waves of mode 2 was also noted.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1227-1230
pages 1227-1230 views

Potential for Recording of Waves and Sea Level Fluctuations in the World Ocean Coastal Areas by Internet Video Analysis

Dolgikh G.I., Fishchenko V.K., Goncharova A.A.


This paper describes the technology for recording surface wave signals and sea level fluctuations in the coastal areas of the World Ocean based on real-time analysis of the surveillance camera “live video” presented on the Internet. A wave signal obtained by the method described in Crotone Port (Italy) is compared with the data from a nearby station of the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS). This example demonstrates the high recording quality of the seiche oscillation system in the port with periods from 40 to 2 min, which is comparable to GLOSS. In addition, in contrast to the GLOSS stations, signals obtained through video contain responses of even shorter period (up to tens of seconds) seiches, swell waves, wind, and ship waves.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019;488(2):1264-1267
pages 1264-1267 views

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