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Vol 468, No 1 (2016)


Alkaline basaltic volcanism of the Sea of Japan and the Philippine Sea: Similar and distinct geochemical and genetic features

Lelikov E.P., Emelyanova T.A.


The results of study of the deep sources of volcanic rocks from the Sea of Japan and the Philippine Sea with continental and oceanic basements, respectively, are presented. This problem is considered with the example of alkaline volcanic rocks of the Middle Miocene to Pliocene complex of the Sea of Japan and the Eocene–Oligocene Urdaneta Plateau of the Philippine Sea. The rocks have a similar geochemistry typical of OIBs, which indicates their deep (plume) origin. The presence of the Oligocene calc-alkaline volcanic rocks, which were formed prior to the marginal sea volcanism in the Sea of Japan, however, is the main difference in volcanism of the Sea of Japan from that of the Urdaneta Plateau, and this is explained by the different basements of these seas.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):433-437
pages 433-437 views

Metamorphism of peritotites in the mantle wedge above the subduction zone: Hydration of the lithospheric mantle

Savelieva G.N., Raznitsin Y.N., Merkulova M.V.


Two areas with different types of hydration (serpentinization), which occurred in two settings distinct in temperatures, pressures, and stresses, are spatially individualized in the ophiolitic ultramafic massifs of the Polar Urals. The high-temperature hydration of ultramafic rocks occurred in the lithosphere of the mantle wedge directly above the subducted slab. The initial conditions of hydration are limited to 1.2–2 GPa and 650–700°C; a stable assemblage of olivine + antigorite + magnetite → amphibole → talc → chlorite was formed at 0.9–1.2 GPa and 550–600°C. The low-temperature mesh lizardite–chrysotile serpentinization occurred in the crustal, near-surface conditions. Both types of hydration were accompanied by release of hydrogen, which participates in abiogenic CH4 synthesis in the presence of CO2 dissolved in water.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):438-440
pages 438-440 views

Two types of noble metal mineralization in the Kaalamo massif (Karelia)

Ivashchenko V.I., Ruchyev A.M., Golubev A.I.


Noble metal mineralization of the syngenetic (Southern Kaalamo) and epigenetic (Surisuo) types are defined in the Kaalamo massif. The ƩPt, Pd, Au content is as high as 0.9–1.1 g/t. Syngenetic mineralization started at the late magmatic stage (at around 800°C) gradually evolving to cease during the hydrothermal–metasomatic stage (<271°C). Epigenetic mineralization was formed at temperatures ranging from 500 to <230°C in zones of intense shear deformations and low-temperature metasomatosis during the collisional stage of the Svecofennian tectono-magmatic cycle (approximately 1.85 Ga ago). Taking into consideration the geological position of the Kaalamo massif in the Raakhe–Ladoga metallogenic zone with widely developed intense shear dislocations, the epigenetic mineralization type seems to be more promising with respect to noble metals.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):441-446
pages 441-446 views

Geochronology and isotopic–geochemical characteristics of magmatic complexes of gold–silver ore–magmatic structures in the Chukotka sector of the Russian Arctic coast

Sakhno V.G., Grigoriev N.V., Kurashko V.V.


The first results of SHRIMP dating of magmatic complexes and associated gold–silver deposits and ore occurrences (Kupol, Dvoinoe, Moroshka, and others) in the Chukotka sector of the Russian Arctic coast are discussed. The petrological and isotopic–geochronological data are used for reconstructing their formation conditions.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):447-453
pages 447-453 views

Diversity of hydrothermal processes and different types of epithermal deposits

Sidorov A.A., Volkov A.V.


It is shown that classical epithermal deposits with hydrothermal explosions, brecciated and framework–lamellar (including agate-like) structures, and well-developed bonanzas are usually pre-porphyry in origin. This inference seems to be important for development of the genetic model of a porphyry–epithermal ore-forming system as well as for exploration of gold–silver deposits and assessment of their potential.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):454-458
pages 454-458 views

A key Paleozoic section in the northern part of the Western Siberian Region

Chuvashov B.I., Bochkarev V.S.


A few of our predecessors considered the Eastern Siberian Region to be a huge territory with similar geological history without hydrocarbon prospecting opportunities. It was also proposed to search for oil and gas in the seas of the Arctic Ocean. Not denying these search directions, we have offered to explore the Western Siberian Region by analysis of numerous deep wells, variable facial zones of Paleozoic complexes, and real prospects of searching for oil and gas fields.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):459-462
pages 459-462 views


Geochemical anomalies in South Caspian sediments

Baturin G.N., Gordeev V.V., Lisitzin A.P.


Study of the element composition of ten samples of modern terrigenous and carbonate sediments from the northern part of the Caspian Sea by the ICP-MS method showed that these sediments were enriched in sulfur, nonferrous metals, and some related minor elements including Se, Te, Re, and others in comparison with the average composition of sedimentary rocks. It is assumed that local hydrothermal seeps similar to those known on the Cheleken Peninsula and which may be formed in other areas of this tectonically active zone are the sources of these elements. In addition, such a composition of sediments may indicate the sporadic contamination of bottom water with hydrogen sulfide, which has been observed in areas of the South and Middle Caspian by many researchers.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):463-468
pages 463-468 views

Nature of voluminous meimechite–picrite associations in Siberia and other regions

Vasil’ev Y.R., Gora M.P.


Analysis of petrochemical and geochemical information of the same levels, which characterize rocks and primary melt inclusions in olivines of heterochronic meimechite–picrite associations in Siberia (Maimecha–Kotui province), Primorye (Sikhote–Alin), and Kamchatka demonstrated that, besides the similar appearance and identical structural patterns, they are considerably discrepant in the concentration and distribution of incompatible and rare earth elements. Those differences are also observed for the compositions and evolutionary trends of parental high-temperature magnesium-rich melts. This, in turn, was assumed to be a consequence of a variable degree of melting of the mantle protoliths in the mentioned regions, which is supported by geochemical modeling.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):469-472
pages 469-472 views

Comparative characteristic of diamonds with olivine inclusions from the Ebelyakh placer and kimberlite pipes of the Yakutian Diamondiferous Province

Ugap’eva S.S., Pavlushin A.D., Goryainov S.V., Afanasiev V.P., Pokhilenko N.P.


The results of morphological examination and the character of the structural orientation and estimation of residual pressure calculated from spectra of combination dispersion in olivine inclusions within diamonds of the Ebelyakh placer and kimberlite pipes of the Yakutian Diamondiferous Province are presented. The data analysis aimed at revealing indications of similarity and/or differences between diamonds from the pipes and the placer. Differences in the structural orientation and spectra of combination dispersion of the inclusions of olivine in dodecahedroids of placers of the northeastern part of the Siberian Platform support the assumption of their non-kimberlite nature.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):473-477
pages 473-477 views

Tsilmanite as a new type of jet

Shumilov I.K.


A new type of jet from continental Devonian deposits of the Middle Timan is described. Fragments of Archaeopteris were the substrate for jet formation. Fossils in sandstone layers are characterized by a peculiar spheroidal jointing of organic matter; the material is fusainized completely. The jet is characterized by integration of the properties of classic jet and inertinite. The proper name tsilmanite is suggested for the new type of jet after the place of its discovery.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):478-480
pages 478-480 views

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Holocene–Pleistocene sediments of the Laptev Sea

Drozdova A.N., Vetrov A.A., Romankevich E.A., Prokuda N.A., Sukhoverkhov S.V., Bratskaya S.Y., Sergienko V.I., Semiletov I.P., Ulyantsev A.S.


The distribution and genesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in a 40-m core from a lagoon of the Laptev Sea that appeared during the Holocene resulting from the flooding of seawater into a freshwater lake in the area of the Buor-Khaya Gulf. The bulk of the core is constituted of permafrost rocks, thawed partially in their upper layers and covered with recent sediments (mainly by the products of intense thermoabrasion). The ratio of petrogenic and pyrogenic PAHs was evaluated.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):496-499
pages 496-499 views

Sites of the N1 nitrogen paramagnetic centers in natural diamond crystals: Dissymmetrization of the structure as a result of plastic deformation

Titkov S.V., Mineeva R.M., Ryabchikov I.D., Speransky A.V.


Using the method of EPR spectroscopy, it is shown that the N1 nitrogen centers (N–C–N+) are unevenly distributed over possible sites in natural brown crystals of plastically deformed diamonds. The influence of deformational dissymmetrization of the structure on the anisotropy of some physical properties of natural diamonds is discussed.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):500-502
pages 500-502 views

Hydrothermal transformations in an aluminophosphate glass matrix containing simulators of high-level radioactive wastes

Yudintsev S.V., Mal’kovsky V.I., Mokhov A.V.


The interaction of aluminophosphate glass with water at 95°C for 35 days results in glass heterogenization and in the appearance of a gel layer and various phases. The leaching rate of elements is low owing to the formation of a protective layer on the glass surface. It is shown that over 80% of uranium leached from the glass matrix occurs as colloids below 450 nm in size characterized by high migration ability in the geological environment. To determine the composition of these colloids is a primary task for further studies. Water vapor is a crystallization factor for glasses. The conditions as such may appear even at early stages of glass storage because of the failure of seals on containers of high-level radioactive wastes. The examination of water resistance of crystallized matrices and determination of the fraction of radionuclide in colloids are also subjects for further studies.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):503-506
pages 503-506 views

Coronitic textures in ferrogabbroids of the Elet’ozero complex (North Karelia, Russia): Evidence for the existence of an immiscible high-Fe melt

Sharkov E.V., Bogatikov O.A., Chistyakov A.V.


It is demonstrated that most subsolidus coronitic textures in ferrogabbroids of the Elet’ozero intrusive complex result from crystallization of drops of immiscible interstitial high-Fe melt scattered among cumulates and containing SiO2, Ti, Al, Ca, Na, K, Ba, and volatiles (water, F, and Cl) as well. Fe–Ti oxides were the first crystal phases, whereas other components were incorporated in the surrounding concentrically zoned rims composed of olivine, phlogopite, and kaersutite–pargasite. Reactional rims at the boundaries between olivine and plagioclase and symplectitic pargasite–muscovite–scapolite rims around the clusters of olivine and Fe–Ti oxides are observed as well. Thus, the coronitic textures in ferrogabbroids of the Elet’ozero Complex provide the first evidence for the existence of an immiscible, relatively low-temperature high-Fe melt in the natural magmatic systems.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):518-522
pages 518-522 views


Diagnostics of the preseismogenic state of heterogeneous media according to deformation monitoring data

Bornyakov S.A., Miroshnichenko A.I., Salko D.V.


A new approach to diagnostics of the preseismogenic state of the lithosphere within the focal area was considered by the example of spectral analysis of the monitoring data on ice cover deformations in Lake Baikal.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):481-484
pages 481-484 views

New data on seismic wave attenuation in the lithosphere and upper mantle of the northeastern flank of the Baikal rift system

Dobrynina A.A., Sankov V.A., Chechelnitsky V.V.


The investigation data on seismic wave attenuation in the lithosphere and upper mantle of the northeastern flank of the Baikal rift system obtained with a seismic coda envelope and sliding window are considered. Eleven local districts were described by one-dimensional attenuation models characterized by alternation of high and low attenuation layers, which are consistent with the results obtained previously by Yu.F. Kopnichev for the southwestern flank of the Baikal rift system [9]. The subcrust of the lithosphere contains a thin layer with high attenuation of seismic waves likely related to higher heterogeneity (fragmentation) and occurrence of fluids. The lithosphere basement depth varies from 100–120 km in the west within the Baikal folded area to 120–140 km in the east within the Siberian Platform. It is concluded that there are two asthenosphere layers. Based on specific features of the lithosphere and upper mantle structure, it can be assumed that they were subject to gradual modification involving fluidization processes and partial melting in the Late Cenozoic extension under the influence of distant tectogenesis sources.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):485-489
pages 485-489 views

Quasiperiodic oscillations in the atmospheres of the Sun, Earth, and planets

Shefov N.N., Semenov A.I., Medvedeva I.V.


The published data on long-term observations on cycles of the activity of the Sun and stars of late spectral classes (F, G, K) were analyzed. Quasiperiodic oscillations (QPO) in solar activity with periods varying from 1.8 (7-year cycles) to 12.5 years (24-year cycles) were revealed for the first time. A high degree of correlation between QPO periods and long-term cycles of variations in the activity of the Sun and stars was revealed.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):490-492
pages 490-492 views

The Chelyabinsk Meteorite as a multiple source of acoustic and seismic waves

Kitov I.O., Bobrov D.I., Ovchinnikov V.M., Rozhkov M.V.


Shock waves and impact of the Chelyabinsk Meteorite fragments on the ground initiated various waves in the atmosphere and the earth. Three different sources of seismic and infrasound waves were found by arrival time and azimuth of seismic and infrasound waves recorded by the International Monitoring System.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):507-510
pages 507-510 views

Generation of the low-frequency branch of acoustic emission in affected rocks

Chebotareva I.Y., Volodin I.A., Dryagin V.V.


As follows from data analysis of physical modeling, the reaction of acoustic background oscillations to an external impact is well-defined under triaxial loading of a dry sandstone core in the low-frequency range (1–100 Hz). This phenomenon is explained by the generation of a low-frequency constituent of acoustic emission. A high correlation of oscillation dynamics (Klimontovich S entropy) is observed at frequencies of tens of hertz and tens of kilohertz in the absence of such a correlation in the intermediate frequency range; a synchronous increase in the oscillation level is also observed at low and high frequencies.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):511-513
pages 511-513 views

Correlation dependences of electromagnetic and deformation parameters

Bataleva E.A.


In-situ monitoring observations are carried out, and correlation analysis aimed at estimating the dependences between the electromagnetic parameters (variations of apparent resistivity, the impedance phase, components of the impedance tensor, and deformations of the daylight surface on the territory of the Bishkek geodynamic polygon) is performed. A new approach to the explanation of the physical mechanism forming variations in electrical conductivity of the medium is proposed on this basis.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):523-526
pages 523-526 views


Structural and geographical analysis of cross-border three-member areas

Baklanov P.Y., Novikov A.N., Ptitsyn A.B.


A specific geographical structure identified at the junction point of the borders of three countries is characterized by a radial symmetry in the distribution of areas with varying degrees of nature management restrictions, which get tougher closer to the junction. The special protection areas are located in the junction point of the borders.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):493-495
pages 493-495 views

Extreme morphogenesis in the central caucasus mountains

Bulanov S.A., Karavaev V.A., Seminozhenko S.S.


The results of field observations on exogenic morphogenesis in the upper reaches of the Cherek Balkarskii River (Kabardino-Balkaria) are presented. It is established that different components of the extreme morphogenetic process confined to the distribution area of unconsolidated Quaternary sediments are closely interrelated to form a peculiar geomorphological mechanism.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):514-517
pages 514-517 views

First data on the environment and climate change within the Zhom-Bolok volcanic field (Eastern Sayan Mountains) in the Middle–Late Holocene

Bezrukova E.V., Shchetnikov A.A., Kuzmin M.I., Sharova O.G., Kulagina N.V., Letunova P.P., Ivanov E.V., Kraynov M.A., Kerber E.V., Filinov I.A., Levina O.V.


This paper considers the results of comprehensive lithological, biostratigraphic, and geochemical investigation of sediments in Khara-Nur Lake (Eastern Sayan Mountains) situated in the area of the greatest Holocene eruptions in the Central Asia Region. The age of the basal sediment layer is estimated at 6881 ± 53 years. The local natural environment and climate have undergone great changes since that time. The Holocene volcanic events did not exert a catastrophic impact on the regional landscape, but they caused dramatic changes in the local vegetation. The well-defined correlation of the regional events with the well-known records of the natural environment in the Northern Hemisphere is indicative of the decisive influence of global atmospheric circulation on restructuring the landscape and climate system in the Zhom-Bolok Region in the Middle–Late Holocene.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):527-531
pages 527-531 views

Estimate of the density of global fallout of cesium-137 according to the data of its content in closed geochemical arenas of southwestern Siberia

Laverov N.P., Velichkin V.I., Miroshnikov A.Y., Asadulin E.E., Semenkov I.N.


The density of global radioactive contamination was the most reliable estimated in marine regions and less accurate for intracontinental areas with semi-arid and arid climatic conditions. This work presents the results of using a new method developed for estimating the density of global radioactive contamination based on the calculation of 137Cs concentration in closed lake catchments. An average density of of 137Cs contamination in the model closed lake catchments of southwestern Siberian steppe landscapes is 0.80 ± 0.24 kBq m–2 that is 2–3 times lower than the levels calculated on the basis of the published data.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):532-535
pages 532-535 views


Some regularities in the dynamics of the periods of sea wind waves

Dolgikh G.I., Budrin S.S.


An empirical equation on a change in the periods of wind waves at the point of recording, which makes it possible to calculate the period of wind waves in any direction on a time scale, is derived based on the experimental data.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;468(1):536-539
pages 536-539 views

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