
Issue Title File
Vol 477, No 1 (2017) The first find of the cave hyena (Crocuta crocuta spelea) on the Oka plateau (Eastern Sayan) PDF
Kalmykov N.P., Kobylkin D.V.
Vol 477, No 1 (2017) Boundary between the Lower and Middle Carboniferous in the Eastern Urals: New isotope–geochronological data PDF
Mizens G.A., Stepanova T.I., Dub S.A., Kuznetsov A.B.
Vol 477, No 1 (2017) New type of gold mineralization of the Tyrnyauz ore cluster (Kabardino-Balkar Republic) PDF
Parada S.G., Popov Y.V., Stolyarov V.V.
Vol 477, No 1 (2017) Age of island-arc granites in the Shchuch’ya zone, Polar Urals: First U–Pb (SIMS) results PDF
Andreichev V.L., Kulikova K.V., Larionov A.N., Sergeev S.A.
Vol 477, No 1 (2017) Early Pleistocene magmatism in the central part of the Greater Caucasus PDF
Lebedev V.A., Dudauri O.Z., Gol’tsman Y.V.
Vol 477, No 1 (2017) Rb–Sr and 147Sm–143Nd systematics of gabbro and dolerites from fragments of ophiolite complexes of the Middle Urals PDF
Ronkin Y.L., Semenov I.V., Puchkov V.N.
Vol 477, No 1 (2017) Early Paleozoic tectonics for the New Siberian Islands terrane (Eastern Arctic) PDF
Metelkin D.V., Chernova A.I., Vernikovsky V.A., Matushkin N.Y.
Vol 477, No 1 (2017) The age of Spitsbergen basement consolidation: U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Upper Precambrian and Lower Carboniferous clastic rocks of the northwestern part of Nordenskiöld Land PDF
Sirotkin A.N., Marin Y.B., Kuznetsov N.B., Korobova G.A., Romanyuk T.V.
Vol 477, No 1 (2017) New data on lineament control of modern centers of methane degassing in east Asian seas PDF
Shakirov R.B., Obzhirov A.I., Salomatin A.S., Makarov M.M.
Vol 476, No 2 (2017) Nature of the ultramafite–mafite complex of the Guli Pluton (Polar Siberia) PDF
Vasiliev Y.R., Gora M.P.
Vol 476, No 2 (2017) Geostatistically consistent history matching of 3D oil-and-gas reservoir models PDF
Zakirov E.S., Indrupskiy I.M., Liubimova O.V., Shiriaev I.M., Anikeev D.P.
Vol 476, No 2 (2017) New data concerning the age and specific features of magmatism of timanides in the southern part of the Lyapin structure (Northern Urals) PDF
Petrov G.A., Ronkin Y.L., Gerdes A., Maslov A.V.
Vol 476, No 2 (2017) Total seismotectonic reworking of the southern slope of the northwestern Caucasus PDF
Popkov V.I., Krickaya O.Y., Ostapenko A.A., Dementjeva I.E., Byhalova O.N.
Vol 476, No 2 (2017) A unique ore-placer area of the Amur region with high-Hg gold PDF
Melnikov A.V., Stepanov V.A., Moiseenko V.G.
Vol 476, No 2 (2017) Early Ordovician conodonts from the Sakmara Zone of the Southern Urals) and their biogeography PDF
Tolmacheva T.Y., Ryazantsev A.V.
Vol 476, No 1 (2017) First data on the age of rocks from the northern flank of the Olkhon terrane, western Baikal area PDF
Gladkochub D.P., Donskaya T.V., Cho M., Fedorovsky V.S., Mazukabzov A.M., Cheong W., Kim J.
Vol 476, No 1 (2017) The first data on U–Pb (SHRIMP) dating of zircon from metamorphic rocks of the crystalline base of the Taigonos-Paren Uplift (southern margins of the Omolon Massif) PDF
Badredinov Z.G., Markovskii B.A., Nozdrachev E.A., Matyushkin I.V., Grinkevich I.V.
Vol 476, No 1 (2017) Bounding relationships between parameters of earthquakes and seismogenic clastic dikes (based on worldwide data) PDF
Lunina O.V., Gladkov A.S.
Vol 476, No 1 (2017) The first find of spinel peridotite in the Southern Kazakhstan: Structure, composition, and parameters of high-pressure metamorphism PDF
Pilitsyna A.V., Tretyakov A.A., Alifirova T.A., Degtyarev K.E., Kovalchuk E.V.
Vol 476, No 1 (2017) Sources of fluids and material for gold and antimony mineralization in the Adychanskii ore region (East Yakutia, Russia) PDF
Aristov V.V., Kryaghev S.G., Ryzhov O.B., Volfson A.A., Prokofiev V.Y., Sidorova N.V., Sidorov A.A.
Vol 476, No 1 (2017) Caledonian formation of gold-bearing sulfide depositions in Early Proterozoic gabbroids in the northern Ladoga region PDF
Baltybaev S.K., Ovchinnikova G.V., Glebovitskii V.A., Alekseev I.A., Vasil’eva I.M., Risvanova N.G.
Vol 476, No 1 (2017) First occurrence of Pd-bearing galena (Sedova Zaimka copper–nickel mineralization, Western Siberia) PDF
Svetlitskaya T.V.
Vol 476, No 1 (2017) New data on the geological structure of the southwestern Mendeleev Rise, Arctic Ocean PDF
Skolotnev S.G., Fedonkin M.A., Korniychuk A.V.
Vol 476, No 1 (2017) Subvolcanic gabbro–porphyrite and intrusive diorite, and sulfide mineralization of the Dzhusa volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit (Southern Urals) PDF
Yartsev E.I., Eremin N.I., Vikentyev I.V.
Vol 476, No 1 (2017) New hydrothermal sulfide fields of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Yubileinoe (20°09′ N) and Surprise (20°45.4′ N) PDF
Bel’tenev V.E., Lazareva L.I., Cherkashev G.A., Ivanov V.I., Rozhdestvenskaya I.I., Kuznetsov V.A., Laiba A.A., Narkevskiy E.V.
226 - 250 of 393 Items << < 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 > >> 

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