Vol XI, No 4 (1903)


On the question of the peripheral innervation of the rectum

Vishnevsky A.


From the authors who worked on the issue of peripheral innervation recti, studying combined irritations n. n. hypogastrici et erigentis was studied by Fellner. The last, when completing his first work, made a number of experiments in this direction during the registration of shortening and lengthening of the intestine. He needed to prove that in n. liypogastrico is not only a motor fiber for the circular layer, but also a depressor fiber for the longitudinal one. The data obtained by him in these experiments, he cites for proof. this assumption

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(4):1-36
pages 1-36 views

To scholarship on the cross-linking of nerves

Levin I.A.


Before we go to the presentation of their experiences with education n. sympathicolaryngei inf., we will first give a description of the operation, experience and the method of histological examination of nerves after the experiment that we used. The preparation for the operation is the same as in the experiments with the c. sympathico-vago; the neurovascular bundle was found, usually on the right side, and in the middle of the neck it was isolated in. sympathicus; between the trachea and the esophagus, n was found in the groove. laryngeus inf. and was also released at a certain length from the surrounding tissues; temporary ligatures were brought under both nerves, pulling on which facilitated the suture; a thin needle with a silk thread was passed through the lateral edge of the nerves in order to traumatize them as little as possible, the nerves were darkly cut, and c. sympathicus was transferred to the tracheal bed; the ends of the nerves were treated in the same way as in the previous experiments; central branch in. laryngei inf. either just resected, or turned downwards, where it was sometimes sutured

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(4):37-95
pages 37-95 views

To the study of the volume of eye changes in chronic poisoning with ergot and its drugs

Orlov К.Х.


Experimental protocols from ergot powder, eb Extr. Seealis corrnit. aquos., eb ergotine Jvon'a, spruce sclerotinic acid, eb Extr. Cornutino-Sphaeelinic, with sphacelic acid for rabbits, chickens, cats, guinea pigs and descriptions of the results.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(4):96-154
pages 96-154 views

Methylene blue as sedativum and hypnotic um in psychosis

Eichenwald L.I.


The desire to find means to combat the excitement of the mentally ill, as Pfister rightly notes, has long been the cherished dream of psychiatrists, since this symptom is of the greatest importance, especially an uncomfortable complication, from all manifestations of mental disorder; the propensity of patients to self-harm, outbursts of anger of maniacs and paralytics, impulsive actions of catatonic and hallucinants in acute confusion, raptus melancholicus, persistent sleeplessness — all these phenomena are too serious not to stop doctors' attention.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(4):155-166
pages 155-166 views

On the state of the motor area of the cerebral cortex during mental activity

Rudnev V.I.


Prof. Suchenov, comparing the human brain with a machine, says that all the nervous projectiles of the animal body can be viewed as mechanisms constantly charged with energy and always ready for the discharge or action of a shock in one or another part of the projectile. Continuing the comparison, we can say that the will, which is the initiator of the movements of voluntary, is likened to the machinist, who starts the well-known mechanism, and that already operates according to its own laws, and just as all manifestations of brain activity can be reduced to muscular movements of the muscle. you can judge the state of the nerve centers.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(4):167-174
pages 167-174 views

On the issue of iris movements after optic nerve transection in mammals

Chirkovsky V.


In September last year, we had the opportunity to report to the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists on the operations we performed to cut the optic nerve inside the skull in mammals (rabbit and cat) and demonstrate the phenomena observed after such an operation on the movements of the iris. The starting point of our experiments were the observations of Marenhi, demonstrating at the Turin Congress of Physiologists in 1900 the phenomenon of pupillary reaction to light in rabbits after the transection of the optic nerve inside the skull.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(4):175-180
pages 175-180 views

Clinical lectures on nervous and mental illnesses, ord. prof. Warsaw University A. E. Shcherbak. Warsaw 1901

Radin Е.


Book by prof. AE Shcherbaka represents an attempt to approach the main problems of psychiatry from the point of view of various variations and combinations of amoeboism of the nervous cells of the cerebral cortex. The theoretical background of clinical lectures gives them a very special position among other psychiatric textbooks; on the one hand, it turns out that integrity is convenient for the study of psychiatry, on the other, an insurmountable obstacle arises to the application of any other scale, except for the one accepted by the author, with a theoretical assessment of tukh or other provisions of his book.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(4):181-185
pages 181-185 views

Laienwelt und Geisteskranke. — Von Max Fischer, Dr. med., Oberarzt in Illenau. Stuttgart. 1903. p. 177. P. M. 4.80.

Eichenwald L.I.


The mutual relations between the public and psychiatrists make one wish for the best that, without exaggeration, we can say that hardly any other branch of medicine encounters such discontent from the public as psychiatry. The reason for this is partly to be found in the comparatively fewer favorable therapeutic results in the treatment of mental illnesses, partly in the gloomy depressing environment that your patients find themselves in. The author of the book being analyzed set out to shed light on the relationship that exists between the public and psychiatrists, as well as to find out the view of our society, at the heart of the sick and caring for them.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(4):186-189
pages 186-189 views

Chronicle and mix. Volume XI, No. 4 (1903)

Obraztsov V.N.


The Faculty of Medicine of the University of St. Vladimir was elected a professor at the Department of Nervous and Mental Diseases, Privat-Associate Professor Mikhail Nikitich Lapinskiy. - Former Professor's Degree of Kazan University, Doctor of Medicine, Aleksey Erastovich Yanishevskiy Assistant Professor of Psychology

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(4):190-192
pages 190-192 views

The history of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Volume XI, No. 4 (1903)

Obraztsov V.N.


Chaired by prof. N.A.Mislavskiy, under the secretary of V.V. Nikolaev. Attended by: honorary member of the Island K.A. X. Orlov, I.A. guests: prof. Kulyabko, Kolotinskiy, Osokin, Panormov, Gimmel, Zenkovich, Ovchinnikov, Maksimovich, Chirkovskiy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(4):193-200
pages 193-200 views

The importance of neuropathology in the general system of medical education

Mislavskiy N.A.


Today's lecture, my first lecture at the Novorossiysk University, is at the same time the first, which is dedicated to neuropathology here. It was doubly natural, therefore, it seemed to me, to choose it as the subject of one of those questions that involuntarily arise in everyone who begins to study a new field of knowledge for him.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(4):1a-16a
pages 1a-16a views

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