Vol XIII, No 1 (1905)


Sciatic nerve vasodilator pathway

Bystrenin I.N.


As is known, the composition of the sciatic nerve emerging from the plexus ischiadicus includes и, VI and VII of the lumbar and I sacral pairs of roots that form the main mass of the trunk; in addition, fibers from the sympathetic chain are attached to it.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(1):1-89
pages 1-89 views

About multinucleated sympathetic nerve cells

Georgievsky I.V.


Anat. d .: Degeneratio parenchymatosa m-li cordis. Pleuropneumonia fibrinosa acuta sinistra totalis (hepatisatio grisea). Perisplentis chronica fibrosa. Degeneratio parenchymatosa hepatis et renum. Gastritis catarrhalis chronica. Hernia inguinalis dextra.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(1):90-136
pages 90-136 views

Criticism and bibliography. Odessa City Psychiatric Hospital. Report for 1903. Compiled by the hospital's residents under the editorship of senior physician B.I.Vorotynsky

Obraztsov B.


The report of the Odessa City Hospital, compiled according to the program of the previous report, consists of several chapters (medical part, internal life of the hospital, economic part, administrative part) and an appendix containing articles and notes of hospital doctors, the department of literary works of the mentally ill.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(1):137-141
pages 137-141 views

F. Parant. About a self-proclaimed painful form called premature dementia. D'une prétendue entité morbide dite démence précoce (Annales médico-psychologiques, 1905, Mars-Avril.

Toporkov N.


The author ardently opposes the enthusiasm for the doctrine of dementia praecox, a doctrine that is not substantiated, which, according to the author, is completely in vain trying to occupy a too large place in the pathology of mental illness.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(1):142-143
pages 142-143 views

Artur A. D. Townsend. Mental depression and melancholy viewed from the point of view of autointoxication with a special report on the presence of indoxyl in urine and the clinical significance of this phenomenon.

Toporkov N.


For two and a half years, the author examined urine for Indoxyl in all cases of acute insanity. which were under his supervision, proceeding from the consideration that excessive, the amount of indoxyl indicates abnormal putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(1):143-144
pages 143-144 views

Siemerling. Graviditäts-und Puerperalpsychosen. "Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie". O. Binswanger und E. Siemerling. 1904, S. 179

Skuridin I.


The author begins his article on psychosis of pregnancy and the postpartum state with a brief introduction, in which he draws attention to the fact that the physiological processes of inception and reproduction had long been noted for the development of psychoses in women.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(1):145-150
pages 145-150 views

Chronicle and mix


The tenured professors of Kazan University in the departments of private pathology and therapy N. A. Zasetsky and diagnostics A. N. Kazem-Bek were moved: the first to the department of the therapeutic hospital clinic, the second to the therapeutic faculty clinic.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(1):151-156
pages 151-156 views

Letter from the mentally ill

Obraztsov V.N., Kovalevskiy P.


The letter of the madmen, as an actual proof of mental suffering, served as the subject of our research only in the most typical forms of mental illness or psychopathic states

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(1):1a-80a
pages 1a-80a views

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