Vol IX, No 3 (1901)


On June 17, 1901, the Director of the Vinnytsia Regional Medical Hospital Vasily Petrovich Kuznetsov died at the age of 42 from septic diphtheria

Mayevskiy M.


Vasily Petrovich Kuznetsov is the son of an official, a native of Perm. After graduating from the course at the Perm gymnasium, V.P. entered the Military Medical Academy, and, having received the title of doctor in 1882, until 1888 studied at the Doctor Frey's Medical Center in St. Petersburg. In 1888, he received a doctorate in medicine and in the same year was determined. the senior physician of the Hospital of All Sorrows.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):158-160
pages 158-160 views


Influence of artificial skull sutures in young animals on its growth and development

Babkin B.P.


At the date of June 30, 1890 at the Paris Academy of Sciences, Academician Verneuil presented a report to prof. Lannelongue under the title "On the skull in microcephaly" (De le Craniectomie dans la microcephalie).

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):1-41
pages 1-41 views


Popov N.M.


As you know, the clinical picture of craniocerebral palsy belongs to the number of those with which the neuropathologist most often has to have a dilemma. Hence, it would seem, it is a completely natural conclusion that they have already been accurately studied in all their details. However, such a conclusion is not entirely true: even to this day we can face phenomena here, the development and meaning of which are not sufficiently clarified for us, are mysterious.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):42-65
pages 42-65 views

Fundus photography of animals

Nikolaev V.V.


In the methodology of experimental sciences, a prominent place is occupied by automatic recording devices, as the most accurately and most likely observable phenomenon.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):66-93
pages 66-93 views

A case of postoperative mental illness

Orlov K.X.


In the current academic year at the Eye Clinic of Kazan University, we had to observe a case of mental disorder that developed under conditions that were of a known kind of interest for the years. members of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists from the point of view of the ethology of suffering, all the while I decided to send my message to the Society.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):94-103
pages 94-103 views

About the so-called “recurrent paralysis of the oculomotor nerve”. Paralysis n. oculomotorii recidiva

Mering M.M.


Despite the fact that 40 years have passed since the first description of recurrent oculomotor nerve palsy, this disease can not be considered as yet studied.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):104-143
pages 104-143 views

W. Einthoven. About nerve stimulation (through frequent alternating currents - Pflüger’s archive, vol. 82 p. 101, 1900. On irritation of nerves by frequent alternating currents

Polumordvinov D.


It is known that electric current with increasing frequency of interruptions is more and more strong irritant for motor nerves; but this phenomenon is observed only until the attainment of a known, definite number of interruptions; with further increase, the effect does not increase, it reaches its maximum value; if the increase in frequency goes even further, then the effect of irritation begins to weaken, from which it follows that the excitability of the nerves for such currents begins to decrease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):144-146
pages 144-146 views

Rene Serrigny. A case of progressive paralysis, developed during secondary syphilis, quickly proceeds; an apoplectiform seizure with a fatal outcome, Dzhaksonovskaya epilepsy. (Un cas de paralysie general sur- venue pendant une syphilis secondaire, marche rapid, ictus apoplectiforme avec issue fatale; epilepsie Jacsonniene) - Annul. med. psycholog. 1900. No. 3. 385—395

Malyev V.


Usually, paralysis develops in syphilitics after 6-10 years after infection, being in these cases b. m. the final stage of syphilis. The author's observation is interesting precisely because it seems that progressive paralysis developed shortly after infection and quickly ended fatally. The author could find only two cases like this (Christian'a).

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):146-147
pages 146-147 views

Georg Eisath. K etiology of progressive paralysis in Numetskiy Tyrol. (Ueber die Aetiologie d. Progres. Paralyse in Deutsch. Tirol.) Allgem. Ztschr. f. Psvchiatrie 1901. B. 58, H. II and III. 390-408 S

Malyev V.


The author uses a comparatively small material of histories of illnesses of 155 paralytics who were in 1889-1899 in the face in Gall and clinics of prof. Mauer'a in Innsbruck. There were 116 men in total, 29 women, that is, there were 4 men for 1 woman. The age of the patients was between 30 and 64 years old, the most were 40-50 years. In relation to syphilis, which is considered by the author as the main ethiological moment, sick Tyroleans were distributed in this way.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):148-149
pages 148-149 views

Prof. S. S. Korsakov "Bed keeping during the treatment of acute forms of mental illnesses and the changes caused by them in the organization of institutions for the mentally ill". Journal of neurops. and psychiatr. named after S. S. Korsakov. 1901 book. I and II

Yanishevskiy L.


Having cited in detail the Russian literature on bed keeping, the author noted the fact that the contradictory views on bed keeping occur apparently from the confusion of understanding about bed keeping, as a healing method and as a special system. Having indicated for the first time such a difference, the author analyzes the issue in detail from these two sides. The main principle of the system of bedding should be the creation in the hospital of that "atmosphere", which by itself contributes to the fact that the mentally ill use the content in bed as much as they need.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):149-153
pages 149-153 views

G.I. Rossolimo. Art, sore nerves and upbringing (about "Decadence")

Obraztsov B.


The author asks the question of finding out what the relationship is between modern artistic creativity and the phenomenon of progressive increase in our nerves and mental illnesses. shed light on the state of health of the artist, being, so to speak, artistic symptoms of his illness.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):153-157
pages 153-157 views

Chronicle and mix

Nikolaev V.V.


Privat-docept of Kazan University in the Department of Nervous and Mental Diseases and Assistant at the Department of Psychiatry, Doctor of Medicine B.I. Vorotynskiy was appointed senior physician of psychiatr. dep. Odessa city hospital. We sincerely congratulate Dr. B. I. Vorotynsky on his appointment and are glad that the Odessa City Administration has chosen a person of high quality and serious scientific and practical training, which we are well aware of. The society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists, with regret, is parted with him, as with one of the most active of its members, and the editorial board of our magazine with a secretary who has performed this duty since the foundation of the Society and the journal.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):161-171
pages 161-171 views

Annals of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrovs at the Imperial Kazan University

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. N.M. Popov, under the secretary of V.V. Nikolaev. Attended by: honorary member of the Islands I. M. Dogel and Mr. acting members: B. I. Vorotynskiy, G. A. Klyachkin, R. A. Luriya, V. P. Maleev, N. A. Mislavsniy, I. 1. Naumov, V. N. Obraztsov, L. A . Sergev. PS Skuridin, GV Sorokovikov, AE Yanishevskiy and a man about 40 outsiders, the public.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):171-172
pages 171-172 views

Hysteria in science and life

Vorotynsky B.I.


Medicine, as a science that studies a healthy and sick human organism, together with the rapidly advancing development of our knowledge in the field of natural sciences, begins to gradually expand the circle of its observations and studies. Along with this, the connection between medicine and such important branches of knowledge as criminal anthropology, sociology and psychology is becoming closer and closer and closer; Many provisions of these sciences are still based on data borrowed from the field of medical observation or obtained with the help of natural scientific methods of research.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(3):а3-а47
pages а3-а47 views

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