Problems of classification of sleep disturbance in children with cerebral paroxysms

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Questioning on sleep disturbances and polygraphic investigations of sleep and active state in 31 children with temporal epilepsy has been carried out. According to literature available and original observations, the novel classification of sleep disturbances in children is offered. Sleep disturbances are divided into permanent and paroxysmal. Paroxysms are divided into typical hypnic (non-epileptic), sleep-related "border" paroxysms and typical sleep-related epileptic attacks.

About the authors

Y. I. Kravtsov

Perm State Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Perm

А. G. Malov

Perm State Medical Academy

Russian Federation, Perm


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Copyright (c) 1997 Kravtsov Y.I., Malov А.G.

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