Towards casuistic acromegal gigantism

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The possibility of combining acromegaly and gigantism at the present time can be considered established; so, Massalongo in 1892, Dana in 1893, later Brissaud and Meige Waads Hutchinson quite definitely pointed to the relationship between acreomegaly and gigantism. M. Sternberg believes that in almost 40% of cases of gigantism there were manifestations of acromegaly; tѣm at least on some of the details in this area and for this time have stopped little, for example. on the hereditary-family character of the disease (cf. 2 cases of Bonardi and Schwoner’a).

About the authors

A. A. Kapustin

University of Moscow

Author for correspondence.

Doctor, nervous clinic

Russian Federation, Moscow


  1. М. Sternberg. Die akromegalie, Wien 1897.
  2. Проф. Л. О. Даркшевичъ. Курсъ нервныхъ болѣзней, т. 3, вып. 2. Акромеголія.
  3. Проф. Н. М. Поповъ. Клиническія лекціи по нервнымъ болѣзнямъ.
  4. А. Souques. Traité dе Médecine, tome X; acromégalie gigantisme.
  5. André Léri. Handbuch der Neurologie M. Levandowsky Viertel Band. Akromégalie.
  6. Проф. Biedl. Внутрення секреція; т. 2. Заболѣванія гипофиза у человѣка.
  7. О. Sandri. „Struma agenomatosa del ipofisi. Sonno patologico assenza di mauifestazioui acromegaliche“ изъ Rivista di Patologia nervata. 1909. Реферировано нами въ журналѣ. С. Корсакова за 1910 г. кн. 5 и 6.
  8. Новыя идеи въ медицинѣ. Внутренняя секреція 1914 г.

Copyright (c) 1915 Kapustin A.A.

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