A case of a combination of Paralysis agitans and Morbus Basedowii

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In March 1911, a patient was admitted to our clinic, taken with the diagnosis of Paralysis agitans, all the symptoms of which were evident. But a more detailed study and further observation showed with certainty that we do not really have a pure case of Paralysis agitans, since, in addition to the symptoms inherent in Paralysis agitans, such as: general rigidity of the muscles of active, immobility of the trunk, characteristic slowness of maneuver , diminishing with volitional movements, there was still a whole series of symptoms that did not fit into the picture of tremor paralysis.

About the authors

L. S. Tanatar

Novorossiysk University

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com

Clinic resident, clinics of nervous diseases

Russian Federation, Novorossiysk


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