Clinical and psychopathological characteristics of sexual dysfunctions and non-psychotic mental disorders in women

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Aim. Study of clinical and psychopathological characteristics in women with sexual dysfunctions and mental disorders of the psychotic level.

Material and methods. Clinical-psychopathological and sexological methods were used in the work. The results were processed using the licensed program Statistica 10.0 for Windows. At the first stage, 134 women (mean age 43.1±15.3 years) were examined who had inpatient treatment in the department for persons with non-psychotic mental disorders. At the second stage, the study involved 89 women (mean age 35.2±12.2 years), who were diagnosed with sexual dysfunctions.

Results. Clinical and psychopathological indicators were studied, clinical, psychopathological and sexological analysis of sexual dysfunctions in women with non-psychotic mental disorders was carried out, taking into account the diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Diseases-10. Three groups of patients were identified: (1) a group of women with sexual dysfunctions caused by non-psychotic mental disorders; (2) a group of patients in whom non-psychotic mental disorders were formed against the background of primary sexual pathology; (3) a group of patients in whom non-psychotic mental disorders accompany sexual dysfunctions.

Conclusions. Sexual disorders in the studied groups are characterized by the predominance of libido disorder in the first group and the second group, as well as the predominance of dyspareunia in the third. There were no significant differences in the duration of sexual dysfunctions in the groups, which must be taken into account when choosing therapeutic and rehabilitation measures.

About the authors

Alexander V. Martusenko

Kuban State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 1210-8461
Russian Federation, 350063, Krasnodar, Mitrofan Sedin str., 4

Elena O. Boyko

Kuban State Medical University

SPIN-code: 9499-4030
Russian Federation, 350063, Krasnodar, Mitrofan Sedin str., 4

Olga G. Zaitseva

Kuban State Medical University

SPIN-code: 4888-7993
Russian Federation, 350063, Krasnodar, Mitrofan Sedin str., 4


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Copyright (c) 2021 Martusenko A.V., Boyko E.O., Zaitseva O.G.

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