Sciatic nerve vasodilator pathway

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As is known, the composition of the sciatic nerve emerging from the plexus ischiadicus includes и, VI and VII of the lumbar and I sacral pairs of roots that form the main mass of the trunk; in addition, fibers from the sympathetic chain are attached to it.

About the authors

I. N. Bystrenin

Society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Kazan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure: 1. Scheme: g — tongue; d, dl and d2 are condoms, a and b are glass tubes; a1 and b1 — rubber pipes., and c — forks. glass. a tube

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3. Fig. 2 Scheme in 1/2 natural. magnitudes

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4. Figure: 3. Curve *) from on. III. N. lingualis dexter, 1 pm, 1st division tetap. induction current 125 r. from..

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5. Fig. 4. Curve from on. III. Nn. linguales, 1 h 30 m, 2nd division thermal 52 °

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6. Fig. 5. Curve from experiment III. N. lingualis dext., 2h 30m, 4 cut. thermal 52 °.

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7. Fig. 6. Curve from experiment III. N. lingualis sin., 2h 45m, 5th irrit. thermal 53 °.

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8. Fig. 7. Curve from experiment Ѵ N. sympat. sin., 12h 32m, 2nd section tetanizir induction current 80 r. s., 10 "

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9. Fig. 8. Curve from experiment V. N. sympat. sin., 12h 58m, 8th stimulation by separate induction shocks 3 "-80 r. s.

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10. Fig. 9. Curve from the experience of V. N. sympat. Bin, 1 h. 1 m., 9th irritation by separate induction blows 4 "-80 r. S., 40"

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11. Fig. 10. Curve from the experiment V. N. sympat. Bin, 1 h. 3 m., 10th irritation with separate induction blows 5 "-80 r. S., 45"

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12. Fig.11. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 1st tetanizing induction current 150 r. s., 15 "

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13. Fig. 12. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 2 m tetanizing induction current 160 r. s., 13 "

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14. Fig. 13. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h, 4 m tetanizing induction current 170 r. s., 17 "

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15. Fig. 14. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 6 m., 4th irritation by tetanizing induction current 180 r. s., 18 "

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16. Fig. 15. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 8 m., 5th irritation with tetanizing induction current 190 r. s., 15 "

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17. Fig. 16. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 8 m., 6th irritation with tetanizing induction current 200 r. p., 28 "

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18. Fig. 17. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 12 h., 40 m., 1st irritation by tetanizing induction current 120 r. s., 12 "

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19. Fig. 18. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 12 h., 43 m., 1st irritation by tetanizing induction current 140 r. s., 10 "

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20. Fig. 19. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 12 h., 46 m., 3rd irritation by tetanizing induction current 160 r. s., 15 "

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21. Fig. 20. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 5 m., 5th irritation with tetanizing induction current 3 "-160 r. s., 40"

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22. Fig. 21. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 8 m., 6th irritation with tetanizing induction shock 5 "-160 r. s., 30"

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23. Fig. 22. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 22 m., 8th stimulation tetanizing induction shock 3 "-170 r. s., 40"

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24. Fig. 23. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 25 m., 9th irritation with tetanizing induction shock 5 "-170 r. s., 50"

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25. Fig.24. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 28 m., 10th irritation tetanizing induction shock 3 "-180 r. s., 45"

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26. Fig. 25. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 30 m., 11th stimulation tetanizing induction shock 5 "-180 r. s., 45"

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27. Fig. 26. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 33 m., 12th irritation with tetanizing induction shock 3 "—200 r. s., 50"

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28. Fig. 27. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 35 m., 13th irritation with tetanizing induction shock 5 "- 220 p. s., 60"

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29. Fig. 28. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 50 m., 14th irritation with tetanizing induction shock 3 "-120 r. s., 30"

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30. Fig. 29. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 52 m., 15th irritation with tetanizing induction shock 5 "-120 r. s., 35"

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31. Fig. 30. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 54 m., 16th irritation with tetanizing induction shock 5 "-150 r. s., 40"

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32. Fig. 31. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 57 m., 17th irritation by tetanizing induction shock 3 "-150 r. s., 36"

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33. Fig. 32. Curve from experiment VII. N. sympat. sin., 1 h., 50 m., 17th irritation with tetanizing induction current 50 r. s., 20 "

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34. Fig. 33. Experience XI. N. ischiadic, sin., 2 hours, 6th irritation with tetanizing induction current 40 r. s., 14 "

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35. Fig. 34. Curve from experiment XIV. N. sympat. sin., 3rd thermal irritation (t ° 52 2 ')

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36. Fig. 35. Curve from experiment XIV. N. ischiadicus sin., 1 hour, 2nd thermal irritation, 52 °, 1 '40 "

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37. Figure: 36. Curve from experiment XVI. N. sympatic. sin., 2 thermal irritation, 53 °, 3 '

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38. Figure: 37. Curve withdrawal from experiment XVI. N. Ischildicus sin., 2h 17m, 2 thermal irritation 53 °, 1 '

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39. Fig. 38. Curve from experiment XVII ass. lѣv. lumbar. sidekick, 1 h. 50 m., 1st thermal irritation. 53 °, 3 '

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40. Fig. 39. Curve from experiment XVII. VII ass. left lumbar root, 3 h. 2 m., 3rd section. thermal - 53 °

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41. Fig. 40. Curve from experiment XVII. VII ass. lѣv. poystvich. root, 3h 20m, 5th irritation with tatan induction current 150 r.

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42. Fig. 41. Curve from Experiments XVII. VII posterior left lumbar root; Mechanical irritation

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43. Fig. 42. Curve from XXL experiment Mechanical irritation of VII lumbar and I sacral dorsal roots on the right side

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44. Fig. 43. Curve from XXL experiment Mechanical irritation of the VI and VII lumbar roots on the left side

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45. Fig. 44. Curve from experiment XXIII. Posterior lumbar roots — VI and VII, on the left side. Thermal irritation 54 °, during irritation

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46. Fig. 45. 1h 45m — The overlap of the I cross-shaped posterior left root into the heating chamber caused a slow rise in the curve

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47. Fig. 46. Curve from experiment XXII, Posterior I sacral left root. Mechanical irritation

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Copyright (c) 1905 Bystrenin I.N.

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