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The mechanisms of generation of extra-intracranial interaction of the excitation processes in the Central nervous system on models of migraine in animals were studied and described in this article. There was described the possible mechanism of relationship between migraine and cervicogenic headache. Recently there was developed innovative drug on the base of botulinum toxin A, and it was described the mechanism of its assembly and therapeutic effect. Also we have provided an overview of modern anti-migraine drugs.

About the authors

Olga S Khayrutdinova

Kazan state medical university

department of neurology and rehabilitation 420012, Kazan, Butlerov street, 49

Rashid A Giniatullin

The University of Eastern Finland

the Department of Neurobiology Kuopio, 70211, P.O.Box 1627/ Neulaniementie 2

Bazbek A Davletov

The University of Sheffield

England, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN

Rashid A Altunbaev

Kazan state medical university

department of neurology and rehabilitation 420012, Kazan, Butlerov street, 49


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Copyright (c) 2014 Khayrutdinova O.S., Giniatullin R.A., Davletov B.A., Altunbaev R.A.

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