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24 women with narcissistic personality disorder and with alcoholic, medicamental and workaholic addictions were observed. It was shown that narcissism disorder presupposes addictive behavior. It was noted the main addictive motivation in persons with narcisstic organization of psyche. It was observed that addictive behavior was included in the general style of life only episodically and does not lead to the formation of the full development of the progressive addictive process. Authors describe the types of family relationships that predisposed the development of the narcissistic disorder.

About the authors

Caesar P Korolenko

Novosibirsk state medical university

кафедра психиатрии наркологии и психотерапии; Новосибирский медицинский университет; Novosibirsk state medical university

Tatiana A Shpiks

Novosibirsk state medical university

кафедра психиатрии наркологии и психотерапии; Новосибирский медицинский университет; Novosibirsk state medical university


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Copyright (c) 2011 Korolenko C.P., Shpiks T.A.

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