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Thioctic acid usage was scientifically proved for the purpose of sensor disorders' correction in patients with multiple sclerosis. There was evaluated effectiveness of therapy by thioctic acid in the multiple sclerosis patients, having different sensor disorders as seen after postregistered clinical investigations. According to the preliminary results it was shown that thioctic acid can positively influence sensor disorders.

About the authors

Farit А Khabirov

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

Radij G Esin

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

Тimur I Khaibullin

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

Аlexander А Rogozhin

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

Natalya N Babicheva

Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

Ludmila A Аverjanova

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

Еvgeny V Granatov

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan

1) Каzan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Ministry, 2) Republican Clinical-and-Diagnostic Centre for demyelinization diseases of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan


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Copyright (c) 2010 Khabirov F.А., Esin R.G., Khaibullin Т.I., Rogozhin А.А., Babicheva N.N., Аverjanova L.A., Granatov Е.V.

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