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Author Guidelines

Preparation of manuscripts

All text materials should be prepared in electronic form in MS Word format. When typing and designing the manuscript, it is necessary to use the standard Cyrillic TrueType Fonts (TTF), preferably Times New Roman Cyr, should be used with 12pt font size. The space between the lines should be double-spaced. Bold, italic and underlined styles, as well as complex text formatting should not be used unless necessary. The paper should be written in A4 size with margins of 2.5 cm on left, top and bottom sides and 1.5 cm on right side. The pages of the manuscript should be numbered (including title page, pages with tables and figures).

Original research (excluding title page and figures), literature reviews and lectures should not exceed 12-15 typewritten pages; brief communications, letters to the editor and other types of articles should not exceed 3-5 pages.

Manuscript structure of the original article

The manuscript should contain the following elements in such order: title page, abstract page, main body with a reference list, tables and figures.

1. Title page

Title page should contain the following elements:

  • Title of the article, briefly and accurately capturing its idea; not exceeding 200 characters including spaces. Abbreviations are unacceptable in the title.
  • Family name, given name and patronymic (in full) of all authors and place of work of each of them (organization, institution, company, etc.) with the address.
  • Complete contact details (mailing address, work and home phone numbers with area code, mobile phone number, fax and e-mail) for the corresponding author.
  • It is desirable to specify the last name, first and patronymic names (in full) of two potential reviewers, their position, place of work, phone number with area code, and e-mail. The editors reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to submit the article for review to these individuals or others.

2. Abstract page

Abstract page should contain the following elements:

  • Title of article (according to the title page).
  • Names and Patronymics of all authors.
  • Place of work of each author.

Abstract should present main ideas of the manuscript in a brief and comprehensible form. The abstract should necessarily have four structured fragments: aim, methods, results and conclusion. Abbreviations are unacceptable in the abstract. The length restriction for the abstract is 200-250 words.

Keywords should not exceed 5-7 words and/or short phrases reflecting the essence of the work. Accurate translation into English of the title, authors' surnames and initials, their places of work, and keywords is necessary. Whole abstract in English is desirable.

Sample abstract can be found in any recent issue of "Kazan Medical Journal" or on the website

3. Body of the article

Main body should be simple and clear, without a long historical introduction, unreasonable repetitions, neologisms and scientific jargon. Generic names should be used when referring to medications; in order to clarify the name of the medication you can use website Try to avoid a large number of abbreviations in the text. All abbreviations should be preceded by the full name of the original term with the abbreviation in brackets, e.g. "Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)". In general, the text of the article should not contain more than 5-7 abbreviations. Abbreviations met in the text once or twice are unnecessary.

Authors are encouraged to keep the presentation concise, and the results obtained by authors should be clearly differentiated from the relevant literature data and their interpretation. The following order is recommended: a) introduction; b) materials and methods; c) results and discussion; d) conclusion; e) conflict of interest; f) acknowledgements and funding sources (if applicable); g) reference list.

In the introduction it is necessary to briefly describe the problem addressed and rationale for the investigation, to state an objective and to justify the need for the research or observation. Only the studies directly relevant to the topic should be mentioned excluding data and conclusions presented in the article itself.

Describing materials and methods of research detailed information should be given about:

  1. type of study: literature review, experimental, descriptive, analytic (case-control or cohort), or cross-sectional study (single point in time), a case report, etc.;
  2. time of the study, its duration;
  3. method of selecting patients or experimental animals for observation and experiments (including those for control groups), their age, gender and other relevant characteristics;
  4. description of the methods, apparatus (with its manufacturing company and country or city) and all procedures in sufficient detail to allow other investigators to reproduce the results. Give references to established methods. Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used, their dosage and administration routes. Trade name of a drug and a manufacturer can be identified in this section in brackets after a generic name of the drug.
  5. statistical methods; all statistical criteria used should be mentioned (e.g. Student’s t test for independent sample, Pearson correlation coefficient), statistical abbreviations should be expanded, e.g. Me (median), etc.;
  6. compliance of procedures presented by authors with ethical principles with the name of Ethics Committee who approved the research (when studying treatment methods, invasive diagnostic procedures involving human subjects or animals).

Results of the research should be presented in the text, tables and figures following the logical sequence and avoiding repeating in the text information presented in tables or figures, only important observations should be emphasized or summarized. All Tables and Figures must be referred to in the main body of the text. Title of a table should reflect its content.

Statistical significance of obtained results should be reported. When presenting the results (in part) standard error and confidence interval are required. Reporting the results only as arithmetic mean or median is not enough! Level of significance is recommended to be reported rounded to the thousandth place: e.g., p=0.023 instead of p<0.05. Mathematical formulas should be constructed using standard tools of MS Word, scrutinized and placed in the text. Units of measure should be given in SI units, temperature – in Celsius, blood pressure - in mmHg.

In discussion section novel and important aspects of this study, possibilities for the implementation of obtained results, also in further studies, as well as their limitations should be emphasized. Results of the study should be critically compared with other studies in this field. Explaining of the obtained results by authors is encouraged.

Conclusion should be linked with the objectives of the study, and try to avoid unfounded statements not confirmed by the facts.

Conflict of interest section

All authors must disclose (declare in the relevant section) any financial or other actual or potential conflict of interest that may be perceived as influencing the results or conclusions presented in the manuscript.

Conflict of interest: sample disclosure statements.

1) Authors report no potential conflict of interest related to the manuscript.
2) Authors report conflict of interest related to, e.g.:

  • receiving grant money to conduct research or for writing a manuscript;
  • any relationship (employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony) with organizations with direct interest in the subject of the study or review;
  • patent applications/registrations on the research results (copyright, etc.)
  • financial support for the conduct of any step of the research or preparation of the article (including grants and other financial support).

Information about conflict of interest reported by the authors of the manuscript is not provided to the reviewers and is available only to editorial board when making a decision on publication. Information about conflict of interest is published in the full text article.

Authors can express gratitude to natural persons or legal entities who helped authors of the manuscript at different stages of its preparation and identify who provided financial support for the research.

4. Reference list

Reference list should be placed at the end of the main body of the manuscript

Reference list should include articles published predominantly in the last 10-15 years in peer-reviewed journals, as well as monographs and patents, avoiding citation of abstracts and theses, manuals, articles from the collections of papers, abstracts and conferences, congresses and symposia.

  • Number of references should be limited to 50-60 in reviews and 12-15 in other cases.
  • Reference list should follow the standard reference style of the journal (sample references are shown below)
  • References in reference list are numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the paper, not in alphabetical order.
  • Citation in the text of the manuscript should be given as a number in square brackets [5].
  • All references in Russian should be transliterated into Latin and translated into English (sample formatting is shown below).
  • If a journal article has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), it should be included in the end of the reference.

The author is responsible for the accuracy of cited references.

Transliteration and translation of the reference

Transliteration standards BGN should be used. Tools for transliteration from Russian:

Reference to Russian articles includes Russian part and translated part in square brackets.

Journal article

English part includes transliterated authors' names, translation of the article title, transliterated full journal title, issue details, original language. If the title of the article has an official translation into English, it should be used. DOI is included after square brackets.


Amirov A.N., Abdulaeva E.A., Minkhuzina E.L. Diabetic macular edema: epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, clinical features, treatment. Kazanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal. 2015; 96 (1): 70–76. DOI: 10.17750/KMJ2015-070

A book

When transliterating a book citation, translated part includes transliterated authors' names, transliterated book title, translated book title, city, transliterated publisher name, year, pages.


Radzinskiy V.E., Orazmuradov A.A. Rannie sroki beremennosti. (Early pregnancy.) 2nd ed. Moscow: Mediabyuro. Status prezens. 2009; 480 p.

Sample reference list

  1. Krok K.L., Lichtenshstein G.R. Colorectal cancer in inflammatory bowel disease. Curr. Opin. Gastroenterol. 2004; 20: 43–48. DOI: 10.1097/00001574-200401000-00009.
  2. Kirkin B.V., Kapuller L.L., Mayat K.E. et al. Colon cancer in patients with non specific ulcerative colitis. Klinicheskaya meditsina. 1988; 66 (9): 108–113. DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-921032.
  3. Kulesh S.D. Brain stroke: a comprehensive analysis of epidemiological data and modern approaches to the morbidity, disability and mortality reduction. Grodno: GGMU Publ. 2012; 204 p.
  4. Vorob'ev G.I., Mikhaylova T.L., Kostenko N.V. Are satisfactory results of surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis achievable? Obrazovanie: issledovano v mire. Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj pedagogicheskij internet-zhurnal. 366 (access date: 19.01.2017).
  5. Barouk L.S. Forefoot reconstruction. 2nd ed. Paris: Springer-Verlag. 2005; 388р. DOI: 10.1007/2-287-28937-2.
  6. Kornilovskiy I.M., Burtsev A.A., Sultanova A.I. et al. The method of photorefractive keratectomy. Patent for invention RF №2578388. Bulletin issued at 21.10.2014.


Tables should be illustrative and compact and contain statistically processed data. Total number of tables should not exceed three. If the authors prove the need for more tables, after approval of editorial board it is possible for additional charge. In order to create tables, standard tools of MS Word or Excel should be used. Each table should be typed with a double spacing on a separate page and numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Each table should have a short name, and each column in it - a short title (abbreviations expanded in a footnote can be used). All explanations should be placed in a footnote, but not in the name of the table. You should specify which Statistical parameters used for representing the variability in the data should be specified, e.g. standard deviation and standard error of the mean. As an alternative for tables with a lot of data graphs are recommended. The name of the table, its data and footnotes should be sufficient to understand the information presented in the table without reading the text of the article.

Figures and charts

Figures presented in the text and in separate files should meet the following requirements:

  • file format * .tif or * .jpg;
  • width 70 to 140 mm, height not exceeding 200 mm.
  • minimum resolution of 300 dpi (pixels per inch);
  • scanned image should be cut and dust and scratches should be removed.

Total number of figures should not exceed 3-5. If the authors prove the need for more figures, after approval of editorial board it is possible for additional charge.

Each figure should be accompanied by a short legend, which along with figure content should be sufficient to understand the information presented in the figure without reading the text of the article.

Photos of potentially recognizable people should be presented with the use of de-identification methods.

All figures should be original. Publication of unoriginal images is possible only after receiving copyright permission.

Charts and graphs should be editable. In histograms alternating solid color (black, white, gray) and pattern (hatching, diamonds, etc.) is recommended, in the charts use of clearly distinguishable markers and dotted lines is recommended. All digital data and footnotes should be well distinguishable. Each figure should be accompanied by a short legend, which along with figure content should be sufficient to understand the information presented in the figure without reading the text of the article.

Each chart and graph should be accompanied by a short legend, which along with chart and graph content should be sufficient to understand the information presented in the figure without reading the text of the article.

Charts and graphs should be presented both in the text and in separate files in the format of the program they were created in.

Structure features of other types of manuscripts

In general, authors should follow the rules given above during preparation of manuscripts taking into account the following features. Abstracts of review articles and lectures may be presented without dividing them into fragments. Other types of publications (letters to the editor, reviews of monographs, conference information, jubilees, etc.) may be submitted without abstracts. Keywords should be given in all cases


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

    • Absence of plagiarism

    The authors guarantee that this article has not been published in whole or in part, and is not under consideration or in the process of publication in another publication.

    • Correct manuscript format

    Manuscript file format is Microsoft Word (has the extension *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf). The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

    • Anonymity

    All information allowing to identify authors is removed from the text of the manuscript and from the metadata of the file.

    • Structure

    Abstract is designed in accordance with the requirements and do not exceed the limit.

    • Illustrations

    Tables and figures were placed within the text of the manuscript and have their titles.

    • Bibliography

    The list of references is formatted in accordance with the requirements. All the cited sources were checked for DOI.

    • Supplementary files

    The authors have prepared for transfer to the editor:

      • file containing full information about the authors (Surname, first name, place of work, e-mail address);
      • graphic files (photos, satellite images, graphics, etc.).
      • the authors are ready to upload these files to the journal website in Step 4 during the manuscript submission process.
    • Authorship

    The authors confirm that:

      • all participants who have made a significant contribution to the study are presented as co-Authors;
      • those who did not participate in the study are not listed as co-Authors;
      • all co-Authors have seen and approved the final version of the work and agreed to submit it for publication.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal exclusive license to first publication.
  2. Authors are able to distribute the manuscript and/or the article in accordance with Self-Archiving policy of the journal (see details).
  3. The manuscript can be accepted for publication only by decision of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial board of the journal in accordance with the Manuscript stelection policy of the journal (see details).
  4. Published Article will be distributed in print and electronic version an will be available under subscription with Delayed Open Access or in Immediate Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The access model depends on the publisher's decision or is determined by a separate Open Access publishing agreement with the authors.

An exclusive license for publication granted by authors allows the publisher to use the article in the following ways:

  • Reproduction of the Article or its sections or parts, as well as the metadata of the Article in any languages, in any material form, including on paper and electronic media, as a separate work in the journal and/or databases (local or in the Internet) of the publisher and/or other persons, at the discretion of the publisher;
  • Distribution of the Article or its sections or parts, as well as the metadata of the Article in any languages, on any medium as part of the journal and/or databases of the publisher or other persons, at the discretion of the publisher, or as an independent work around the world whether on Open-Access terms or for a fee without remuneration to the Author;
  • Making the Article or any of its sections or parts, as well as the Article’s metadata in any languages, publicly available in such a way that any person can access the Article from any place, including via the Internet, and at any time of their own choosing;
  • Granting permission/s for the use of the Article or its sections or parts, as well as its metadata in any languages, to third parties with notice to the Author made by posting relevant information on the journal’s website, without paying remuneration to the Author;
  • Processing the Article (i.e., editing, correcting, annotating, tagging, translating to any languages, typesetting) and using the revised (translated) Article in the aforementioned ways.

Other rights not directly transferred to the publisher under this License Agreement, including patent rights to any process, method etc., described by the Authors in the manuscript, as well as trademark rights, are reserved for the Authors.

All the Copyright statements for authors are present in the standart Publishing Agreement (Public Offer) to Publish an Article in an Academic Periodical 'Neurology Bulletin'.

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Author’s license agreement (public offer) on the publication of an article in a scholarly journal
“Neurology Bulletin”

Eco-Vector, represented by its CEO Evgeniy Schepin and acting on the basis of the Charter (hereinafter referred to as the Publisher), on the one hand, offers an indefinite circle of persons (hereinafter referred to as the Author), and on the other hand, hereinafter jointly referred to as the Parties, to execute this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) on the publication of scientific article (hereinafter referred to as the Article) in a scholarly journal “Neurology Bulletin” (further-the Journal) in accordance with the conditions stated below.


I. General Provisions

  1. This Agreement, in accordance with clause 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer) requiring full and unconditional acceptance (Acceptance), which, in accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, means the sending by the Author of his/her materials by way of uploading the same to the online electronic system designed to accept manuscripts for consideration, and subsequently posted in the corresponding section of the Journal’s website on the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the Internet).
  2. In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the observance of copyright on electronic information resources, all materials found in a website, including submitted and published in electronic journals, may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form (electronic or printed) without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Prior permission can be given by publishing an article in the open access with Creative Commons license. The journal requires license users to reference the original source, i.e., the publication, if the Author permits use of the public materials in the context of other documents.


II. Terms used in the Agreement

  1. “Author” refers to an individual (or individuals) whose creative work has led to the creation of the manuscript of a scientific Article, or to a representative of these persons.
  2. “Manuscript” is the result of intellectual activity in the form of a scientific work containing text, graphic and numerical data, audiovisual information, program code and other elements submitted by the Author for publication in the Journal; it is also the mean “a draft of an Article submitted by the Author to be published in the Journal”.
  3. “Offer” is the current agreement (an offer to the author for the publication of an Article in the Journal).
  4. “Publication” is the process of placement of an Article in the Journal.
  5. “Article” is the manuscript that has been published in the Journal (after successful selection, editing, type-setting, copyediting, proofreading, translation).
  6. “Acceptance of the offer” refers to the full and unconditional acceptance of the offer on the terms specified in paragraph 3 of this agreement (the Author accepts offer by submitting a Manuscript to the Publisher via the online electronic submission system on the Journal’s Internet website).
  7. “Journal” is a scientific peer-reviewed periodical registered as a mass media entity in the Roskomnadzor register of the Russian Federation and ISSN-center.
  8. “Submission” is an electronic appeal of the Author to the Publisher for the publication of an Article in the Journal by uploading the manuscript and accompanying materials to the online electronic submission system on the Journal’s Internet website).
  9. “Publisher” refers to Eco-Vector, which is the Publisher of the journal.
  10. Article metadata includes the information that are intended for inclusion in International Scientific Databases and search engines, namely the following:
    • title of the Article;
    • information about each of the Authors (surname and first name; patronymic; place of work with the postal address indicated, contact information (e-mail));
    • abstract;
    • keywords;
    • thematic rubricator: UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) or other library and bibliographic classification and subject indexes;
    • list of references.
  11. “Editorial board” is the creative team that prepares the journal for publication.
  12. “Parties” refers to the Author and the Publisher.
  13. “Author Guidelines” are the requirements for Articles published in the Journal, posted in the “For authors” section of the Journal’s Internet website.


III. Subject of the Agreement (Offer)

  1. Under this agreement, the Author grants the Publisher, free of charge for the entire period of validity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, an exclusive license to use the Article created by the former for publication in the Journal, as well as the rights to use the article in the following ways:
    • Reproduction of the Article or its sections or parts, as well as the metadata of the Article in any languages, in any material form, including on paper and electronic media, as a separate work in Journals and/or databases (local or in the Internet) of the Publisher and/or other persons, at the discretion of the Publisher;
    • Distribution of the Article or its sections or parts, as well as the metadata of the Article in any languages, on any medium as part of the Journal and/or databases of the Publisher or other persons, at the discretion of the Publisher, or as an independent work around the world whether on Open-Access terms or for a fee without remuneration to the Author;
    • Making the Article or any of its sections or parts, as well as the Article’s metadata in any languages, publicly available in such a way that any person can access the Article from any place, including via the Internet, and at any time of their own choosing;
    • Granting permission/s for the use of the Article or its sections or parts, as well as its metadata in any languages, to third parties with notice to the Author made by posting relevant information on the Journal’s website, without paying remuneration to the Author;
    • Processing the Article (i.e., editing, correcting, annotating, tagging, translating to any languages, typesetting) and using the revised (translated) Article in the aforementioned ways.
  2. Other rights not directly transferred to the Publisher under this Agreement, including patent rights to any process, method etc., described by the Author in the Article, as well as trademark rights, are reserved for the Author.
  3. The territory where the rights to the Article are allowed to be used is the whole world.
  4. The validity of this Agreement commences only if the manuscript of the Article is accepted for publication in the Journal and only from the moment of sending a notification of acceptance of the Article for publication to the Author from the official e-mail of the Journal.
  5. The rights are granted by the Author to the Publisher free of charge; the publication of the Article in the Journal does not entail any financial deductions to the Author.
  6. If the Publisher decides to reject the Submission or refuse to publish the Article in the Journal (i.e., retraction of the published Article), this Agreement becomes invalid. The decision to refuse publication will be sent to the Author at the e-mail address specified in the Submission.


IV. Rights and Duties of the Parties

  1. The Author guarantees that:
    • s/he holds the copyright the exclusive rights to the materials submitted to the Publisher as part of the manuscript of the Article;
    • the rights granted to the Publisher under this agreement have not been previously transferred and will not be transferred to third parties in the future during the duration of the Agreement;
    • the manuscript contains all references to the cited authors and/or publications (materials) provided for under the current copyright legislation;
    • the Author has obtained all the necessary permissions for all information and other materials s/he holds no copyright to and that are used in the manuscript of the Article;
    • the Article manuscript contains only materials permitted to be published in the open press in accordance with the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation, and its publication and distribution will not lead to the disclosure of secret (confidential) information (including state secrets);
    • the Author has informed co-authors about the terms of this Agreement and has received their consent to execute this Agreement under the terms provided for in the Agreement.
  2. The Author carries certain obligations under the terms of the Agreement:
    • s/he should prepare and submit the manuscript of the Article in accordance with the Author Guidelines posted on the Journal’s website;
    • the Author should not use an electronic copy of the Article for commercial purposes and in other journal publications without the consent of the Publisher;
  3. in the process of preparing a manuscript for publication, the Author is obligated to undertake the following:
    • make corrections to the text of the manuscript that have been marked by the peer-reviewers and accepted by the editorial board, and/or as necessary, upon the request of the Publisher and the editorial board, finalize the manuscript of the Article;
    • revising and proofreading the manuscript of the Article in accordance with the editorial recommendations;
    • suggest only the minimum of corrections to the type-setted (layout) Article.
  4. The Author has the following rights and duties:
    • Use preprint or prior-to publication versions of an unpublished Article in the form and content accepted by the Publisher for publication in the Journal. Such prior-to-publish versions can be placed as electronic files on the personal websites of the Author (co-authors) or on the protected external websites of the employers of the Author; however, the Author cannot use the unpublished version(s) for commercial sale or for systematic external distribution by a third party (i.e., post on social media). The author or co-authors must, in turn, carry out certain duties, namely:
      • include the following warning in the prior-to-publish version: “This is prior-to-publish version of the article accepted for publication in (Journal’s name), © Eco-Vector (year)”;
      • provide the corresponding electronic link to the Publisher’s website at and/or via the DOI.
    • Copy or transfer a copy of the published Article in whole or in part to colleagues free of charge for their personal or professional use, for the promotion of academic or scientific research, or for informational purposes of the Author’s employer.
    • Use materials from a published Article in a book written by one of the co-authors.
    • Use figures, tables and text excerpts from the Article for his or her (or co-authors’) own training purposes, or to include them in other published works in printed or electronic format by a third party, or to submit them in electronic format on an internal computer network, or on the public website of the Author (co-authors) or his/her employer.
    • Include the Article in educational collections for use in the classroom, either for free distribution to the Author’s (co-authors’) students or in electronic format on a local server for access by students as part of the training course, as well as for internal training programs at the institution of the Author’s employer.
  5. The Publisher, for its part, is obliged to:
    • publish the Author’s article in the Journal in printed and electronic form in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;
    • if necessary, as so decided by the Journal’s editorial board, provide the Author with the proofreading of the manuscript and make a reasonable editing;
    • provide to the Author the unlimited access to the final electronic version of the published Article (Version of Record) through the online electronic submission system on the Journal’s Internet website;
    • comply with the Author’s rights as provided for by the current legislation, as well as protect them and take all necessary measures to prevent copyright infringement by third parties.
  6. The Publisher has a right to:
    • conduct an expert evaluation of the manuscript (peer-reviewing and editorial evaluation) and invite the Author to make the necessary changes (revisions) to the manuscript;
    • provide editing, copyediting, type-setting, proofreading, tagging, indexation and translation of the Article’s manuscript without altering the main content;
    • in any subsequent authorized use by the Author (and/or other persons) of the Journal and/or Article (including any separate part or fragment thereof), require that a link to the Journal, Publisher, Author or other copyright holders, the title of the Article, the Journal’s volume/issue, and the year of publication be specified in the Journal;
    • post preliminary and/or advertising information about the upcoming publication of the Article in the media and other information sources;
    • make changes to the offer in accordance with the procedure established by the offer.
  7. The editorial board of the Journal, headed by the editor-in-chief, has the exclusive rights to select and/or reject materials sent to the Journal editorial office for publications purposes. The manuscript sent by the Author to the Journal editorial office is not subject to return. The editorial board of the Journal does not enter into correspondence about rejection of submissions.
  8. In all cases not stipulated and not provided for in this agreement, the parties are obliged to be guided by the relevant current laws of the Russian Federation.


V. Acceptance of the Offer and Execution of the Agreement. Terms of the Agreement

  1. The Author accepts the Offer by submitting the manuscript on the Article to the Publisher through the electronic manuscript submission system on the Journal's Internet website.
  2. Acceptance of the offer by the author creates an Agreement in writing (Articles 438 and 1286.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) on the terms of the offer.
  3. This Agreement is valid for the duration of the exclusive rights to the Article.
  4. When transferring (alienating) the exclusive right to the Article by the Author to a third party, this Agreement does not terminate.


VI. Procedure for changing and terminating the Agreement

  1. The Publisher has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement, in advance, at least 10 (ten) calendar days before the entry into force of the intended relevant changes, but with notice to the Author through the Journal’s website or by e-mail to the Author’s e-mail address specified in the Author’s Submission. The changes will take effect from the date specified in the relevant notification.
  2. If the Author rejects the changes to the terms of this Agreement, s/he has the right to notify the Publisher by sending a written notification through the online manuscripts submission system, making sure that the same is sent to the official e-mail address of the editorial office.
  3. This Agreement may be terminated prematurely, either by agreement of the parties at any time, or on other grounds provided for in this Agreement.
  4. The Author has the right to unilaterally withdraw from the execution of this Agreement by sending the Publisher a corresponding notification in writing at least 60 (sixty) calendar days in advance before the expected date of publication of the Article in the Journal.
  5. Termination of the Agreement for any reason does not release the parties from liability for any violation of the terms of the Agreement that occurred during the validity period.


VII. Responsibility

  1. The parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the current relevant legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. All information provided by the Author must be reliable. The Author is expected to provide accurate and complete the information to the Publisher. When using false information received from the Author, the Publisher is not responsible for the negative consequences caused by his actions on the basis of the false information provided.
  3. With regard to the content of the Article, the Author is solely responsible for compliance with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation pertaining to advertising, copyright and related rights’ protection, protection of trademarks and service marks, and the protection of consumer rights.
  4. The Publisher does not bear any responsibility under the agreement:
    • for any actions that are a direct or indirect result of Author’s illegal actions;
    • for any loss incurred by the Author, regardless of whether the Publisher could have foreseen the possibility of such losses or not.
  5. The Publisher is released from liability for violation of the terms of the Agreement if such violation is caused by force majeure, including actions of state authorities (including the adoption of legal acts), fire, flood, earthquake, other natural disasters, lack of electricity and/or computer network failures, strikes, civil unrest, riots, etc.


VIII. Dispute resolution

  1. Disputes and disagreements will be resolved by the parties through negotiations, and in case of failure to reach an Agreement they will strive to seek resolution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. If there are unresolved disagreements, the parties agree to resolve the disputes in court at the jurisdiction covered by the Publisher’s location in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


IX. Miscellaneous

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