Reality, stability, dynamism, rigidity, flexibility of the Constitution of the Russian Federation



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The artcile first of all, it is emphasized that reality puts on the agenda the question of the fate of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation. The author of the article is a supporter of the development and adoption of a new Basic Law of our country. There are two major factors in favor of this. Firstly, Russia is entering a new stage in the development of society and the state. It demands a new Constitution that would reflect everything new that is connected with him, outline, and determine the prospects for further development. Secondly, since the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993, changes have been made several times. We especially note the amendments of 2020. Their content and volume, from our point of view, are evidence of a virtually new edition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Let us also draw attention to the fact that there is a violation of the consistency and logic of the presentation of constitutional matter. It makes sense to fix this. It is emphasized that when preparing a new Constitution, one should proceed from its main features, which determine its connection with the development of society, its role and place in the life of the country. Those are reality, stability, dynamism, rigidity, flexibility. Today, more than ever, the question of the ideological property, the ideological essence of the Constitution is relevant. So, the most important thing first of all is to determine what the modern, domestic ideology of the Russian people, society, and the Russian state is. At the same time, there is a reasonable demand that, in order to increase the reality of the Constitution, relevant provisions of an ideological nature should be included in its text. This requires its mandatory consideration when preparing the new Basic Law of Russia.




Yuri Shulzhenko

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, 10 Znamenka str., 119019 Moscow


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