Relationship between human rights and freedoms and islam in arab countries



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The article compares the Medina Agreement of 622 A.D. and modern Arab constitutions in the light of human rights issues. The Medina Agreement did not have a significant impact on the subsequent constitutional development in the Arab world, however, as the author shows, questions of the legal status of a person arise in Islam immediately after the Hegira. Muhammad strove to reconcile among themselves the representatives of different confessions (Muslims, Christians and Jews) who inhabited Medina at that time, and to establish the state on a solid foundation of true faith. A similar problem exists in Arab countries today, when, on the one hand, Islam is declared the state religion, and on the other, freedom of conscience is declared, subject to respect for the laws, morals and customs of a particular state.


Konstantin Karpenko

Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign of Airs of Russia (MGIMO)

Russian Federation, Moscow


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