Motherhood and childhood as a basis for family policy: modernity and historical heritage



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The article examines the trends in the development of social, including family, state policy at the present stage, taking into account the analysis of the novelties of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Special attention Special attention is paid to the family, the institution of marriage based on traditional family values, children, ensuring the priority protection of their rights. The author reveals the features of providing social assistance to families with children, taking into account the development of legislation and the preservation of the historical heritage in the relevant norms on the protection of motherhood and childhood. The conclusion about influence of the legal status of the family, children on the order of measures of social assistance and support provided to them, determined depending on certain conditions and criteria, is substantiated, the fundamental importance of theoretical research on morality and ethics, their essential influence on the content of the law, on the formation of family politics and the spiritual basis of society and the state




Nataliya Letova

The Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow


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