
Features of procedural aspects of the Electronic Court Case Management System when initiating a civil case and preparing a case for a court proceedings
Pirmatov O.
The rights and duties of the individual: in search of civil consent. Review of the International Conference “The Russian statehood and the challenges of the XXI century”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the 40th anniversary of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Pozharsky D., Krotkova N.
Common property of a simple partnership as the basis of corporate management
Laptev V.
Abuse of power with selfish motivation of officials in the estates of the Peasant Bank at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries (historical and legal aspect)
Frolov S.
Agrarian law in the 21st century: traditions and prospects of development (Review of the speeches of the participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference - The Second Kozyrev Readings)
Ustyukova V., Zemlyakova G.
The impact of digital technologies on improving the legal regulation of criminal procedural activities
Vershinina S., Lazareva V.
Problems of implementation and protection of the rights of participants in economic relations in the conditions of the digital divide
Solovyanenko N.
Administrative-legal support for the development of innovation clusters in modern Russia
Smorchkova L.
Procedural status of a member of the election commission
Turischeva N.
Subject and system issues of administrative law (part 2)
Kostennikov M., Kurakin A., Admiralova I.
Financial market of the Russian Federation: concept, main vectors of development
Kobzar-Frolova M.
The manual as a new type of regulatory act
Ivliev G., Shevyreva Z.
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