
System of criminal measures procedural coercion: What signs indicate for its existence?
Rossinskiy S.
Subject and system issues of administrative law (part 2)
Kostennikov M., Kurakin A., Admiralova I.
Legal regulation: positive and negative aspects
Valiev R.
Modern understanding of subjeсt of science of administrative law
Grishkovets A.
Formation and development of branches of law in the historical and modern legal reality of Russia: in 12 vols. Vol. VIII Administrative Law in the system of modern Russian law / ed. by R.L. Khachaturov, A.P. Shergin
Arzamasov Y.
Prerequisites for the adoption and essence of the main provisions of the Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Belarus
Chupris O.
Forecasting legal behavior as a final level of legal forecasting and practical function of the theory and Sociology of Law
Agamirov K.
Objective law in the light of modern materialistic theory of law Review of the discussion materials of the book by V.M. Syrykh “Fundamentals of the materialistic theory of law: in 4 vols. Vol. I. Objective law and forms of its expression”
Mal’ko A., Trofimov V., Panchenko V., Krotkova N.
Actual problems of Administrative and Administrative Procedural Law
Kaplunov A., Ukhov V.
Epistemological aspects of law enforcement
Chukin D.
“Lethality”: is it permissible to introduce into scientific circulation as an independent medical and legal category V.N. Galuzo. Lethality (medical and legal research)
Redkous V.
Moral foundations of russian criminal proceedings
Malina M.
Development of law contrary to the legal acts (contra legem) in the Republic of Armenia
Ghambaryan A.
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