
The mechanism of legal relations in the context of modern legal policy P. P. Serkov. Legal relationship (theory and practice of modern legal policy): in 2 parts. Moscow: Norma, 2023. Part 1: legal doctrine and legal policy measures. – 872 pp.; Part 2: generalization of legal experiences of ascent to man, society And the state. – 672 pp.
Lobanov S.
The Constitution of India yesterday and today (on the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of India)
Avtonomov A.
The teaching of professor V.T. Kabyshev on constitutionalism. To the 85th anniversary of Vladimir T. Kabyshev, doctor of law, professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of higher education of Russia
Zametina T.
Formation and development of the idea of representation and Russian parliamentarism in the constitutional doctrine
Bezrukov A., Savoskin A.
Modern understanding of subjeсt of science of administrative law
Grishkovets A.
The legal policy of foreign countries in the field of counteraction to crime committed with the use of information technologies
Sokolov A., Soldatkina O.
V.S. Nersesyants as a philosopher of law: from Soviet to Post-Soviet
Savenkov A., Gorban V.
Prospects for the development of Russia’s criminal law policy: the search for the real model
Korobeev A., Chuchaev A.
War as an ecological catastrophe: minimization strategies
Milyukov S., Kuznetsova N.
Methodology of the Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Law: the transition from “due” to “being”
Frolova E.
Theory of labor relations in the context of the transformation of the sphere of work: designation of the problem
Chucha S.
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