
Philosophical and legal ideas of F.M. Dostoevsky in modern legal doctrine A. I. Bastrykin, R. F. Ismagilov, V. P. Salnikov. The idea of goodness in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky and its influence on the development of the philosophy of law (to the 200th anniversary of F. M. Dostoevsky) / opening speech by A. I. Aleksandrov. 2nd, rev. and exp. St. Petersburg: University Foundation, 2023. – 456 pp. (Series “Science and Society”)
Polishuk N., Zelepukin R., Krotkova N.
Justice as an attributive and functional characteristic of the modern state
Cherkesova L.
The catechism of normativity: Syncretic reflections on the philosophical foundations of military law
Kholikov I., Dakhin A., Kumankov A., Naumov P., Novikov N.
Essence and significance of conviction of deceased Nazi’s for crimes not subject to statutory limitations
Kamenetsky Y.
On the way to the moral state (state and morality: points of connection)
Sazonnikova E.
The value of law and legal values in a globalizing world (Axiological review of the book “State and law: human rights and the world order based on the Rule of Law”)
Naumov P., Zakhartsev S., Kholikov I., Bolshakova V.
The Russian constitutionalism in the framework of new geopolitical environment: milestones and vectors
Dobrynin N.
V.S. Nersesyants as a philosopher of law: from Soviet to Post-Soviet
Savenkov A., Gorban V.
Fair justice M.I. Kleandrov. Justice and fairness. 2nd ed., rev. and exp.
Vinogradova E., Zakhartsev S., Salnikov V.
The Moral State of the civilitarian model or the social structure of the creative format
Antonenko A.
Ways of constitutionalization of Russian justice
Malina M.
Epistemological aspects of law enforcement
Chukin D.
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