
International legal foundations of national security
Shinkaretskay G.
State secret as an institution of legal support for national sovereignty and security of the Russian Federation
Polyakova T., Kamalova G.
Protection of internal national security by criminal legal means
Dolgiev M., Dolgieva M.
Features of hybrid threats to the security of the Russian Federation: theoretical and legal analysis
Bobrova O.
Criminal policy of the state in the field of national security
Golik Y., Levashova O., Chernysheva J.
Protection of competition as a necessary condition for ensuring economic security
Ovcharov A.
Legal security and legal certainty of the individual: constitutional and legal aspect
Veliyeva D., Presnyakov M.
Agrarian law in the 21st century: traditions and prospects of development (Review of the speeches of the participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference - The Second Kozyrev Readings)
Ustyukova V., Zemlyakova G.
Big Data in healthcare: cybersecurity and legal protection of personal data
Polubinskaya S., Galyukova M.
Specifics of legal regulation of environmental protection and protection during development of mineral deposits in the Arctic zone of Russia
Battakhov P., Ovchinnikova Y.
Formation of a culture of information security of citizens of the Russian Federation in the face of new challenges: public law problems
Polyakova T., Minbaleev A., Troyan N.
The legal policy of foreign countries in the field of counteraction to crime committed with the use of information technologies
Sokolov A., Soldatkina O.
Political and legal aspects of paradigm change in the development of nuclear energy in the EU
Lizikova M.
Legal provision of environmental safety of floating nuclear power plants in the Arctic
Baramidze D.
The prospect of convergence of the legal system of Russia and China as a legal dimension of multipolarity in the XXI century
Nebratenko G.
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