Epistemological aspects of law enforcement


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Achieving the goals of law, the most important of which is ensuring justice, depends on the competence of law enforcement officers, their knowledge and the ability to use this knowledge in the course of professional activity. The article substantiates the assumption that one of the reasons for the low efficiency of law enforcement is the epistemological illiteracy of its subjects. It consists in the fact that they consider law enforcement as an action based on ready-made, template knowledge, into which they squeeze the object in question, which is always different from this template. The author sees the way out in giving the subject the authority to create relevant knowledge, which, while preserving the essential features of law, would be proportionate to the situation “here” and “now”. This requires him to have a high level of philosophical culture and epistemological competence as its component.

Sobre autores

Dmitriy Chukin

Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Banner Institute of the National Guard of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation, Saratov


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