Forecasting legal behavior as a final level of legal forecasting and practical function of the theory and Sociology of Law


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The article is devoted to the study of causal relations of legal behavior as an important area of theory and Sociology of Law and the final level of implementation of legal forecasting. The foundation of law is a static legislative array, and in order for regulatory regulations to come into motion, an effective right-wing mechanism is needed. Legal conduct forms the core of legal implementation and is embodied in the legal actions of individuals, causing the circulation of the social mechanism of the law. In the work, the concepts of legal conduct and legal activity are differentiated, reflecting the positive and negative characteristics of legal activity. Predicting legal behaviour has a direct impact on preventive measures to stabilize and develop positive factors of legitimate actions and to limit the blocking of negative determinants of deviating actions at all stages of the legal implementation mechanism.

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Karen Agamirov

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russian Federation, Moscow


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