On current problems of the mechanism of liability of judges for disciplinary misconduct: law enforcement practice, general approaches. Part 4. Approaches to improving and improving the efficiency of the organizational and legal mechanism of disciplinary responsibility of judges

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In the final, fourth part of the article, published in 2024 in the journal “State and Law”, certain results of the problems considered in its first three parts are summed up (part 1 – “Termination of the powers of a judge for a serious offense after the constitutional innovations of 2020 – constitutional or disciplinary responsibility?” (No. 3); part 2 – “On problems of disciplinary responsibility of court heads” (in two sections) (No. 4, 5); part 3 – “On the disciplinary responsibility of retired judges” (No. 6)). Conclusions are drawn about the imperfection of this mechanism with specific examples of law enforcement (and especially judicial) practice, including those caused by the imperfection of legislation in the area of public relations under consideration. Specific, including radical, proposals are being made aimed at improving and increasing the effectiveness of both the named mechanism as a whole and its individual links.

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About the authors

Mikhail I. Kleandrov

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: mklean@bk.ru

Corresponding Member of the RAS, Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of State and Law

Russian Federation, Moscow


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