A mechanism for ensuring people’s trust in the activities of municipal communities

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The article discusses the most important features of the specifics of the mechanism for ensuring people’s trust in the activities of municipal communities. Among these, the author considers: municipal elections, with their peculiarities of organization, alternative forms of direct democracy and effective interaction between state authorities and local self-government. The organization of a unified system of public authority that operates effectively and efficiently, without the trust of the population in municipal authorities, is impossible. But at the same time, municipal authorities must simultaneously enjoy the trust of the competent authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation.

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About the authors

Alla N. Gutorova

Southwestern State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: allagutorova@mail.ru

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor 
of the Department of Constitutional Law, Southwest State University

Russian Federation, 94 50 let Oktyabrya str., 305040 Kursk, Russia


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