Features of the federal structure of the Australian Union (in the context of the principle of subsidiarity)

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The article devoted to the peculiarities of the federal structure of the Australian Union (in the context of the principle of subsidiarity) gives a general description of the Australian federal model, shows the public-legal basis for the delimitation of competence between the Union and the states, as well as the problems of implementing the principle of subsidiarity in the system of federal relations of Australia. The author makes a conclusion that the federal model of the Australian Union is characterized by pronounced tendencies of centralization. The principle of subsidiarity in the system of federal relations is deformed, since there are no guarantees of independence in the sphere of internal self-government of the states. To implement this principle, it is necessary to develop an adaptive system of criteria for distinguishing the powers and responsibilities of the Union and the States in relation to specific subjects of competence. This approach will allow for coordinated (coordinated) interaction within the scope of joint competence.

About the authors

Igor V. Irkhin

Kuban State University

Russian Federation, Krasnodar


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