Global crisis in the context of law, physical economy and energy value theory

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The transition to new technologies and the energy crisis provoked has become a source of a global economic, political, cultural and civilizational crisis. Against this background, studies of the correlation of energy and technological transitions, as well as their impact on the transformation of socio-economic systems, are of particular relevance. Understanding social, cultural, technological processes and phenomena based on traditional values and accumulated cultural and historical experience is one of the Foundations of the state policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2022 No. 809. The object of research in the article is the global crisis, and the subject is its specific manifestations: energy, economic, social crises. The purpose of the study is to conduct an experiment on the application of the energy theory of value as a direction of physical economics to the analysis of the global crisis. Based on the goal, the main task of the study is to determine the direction of social development based on the energy theory of value. The article concluded that a civilizational shift is inevitable, the social structure of society is rebuilt, cultural values are rethought, and new universal equivalent - a value meter, as which the author offers the cost of energy.

About the authors

Marietta D. Shapsugova

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation,


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