On the Relative Equilibria of a Heavy Bead on a Uniformly Rotating Rough Spoke



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The movement of a heavy bead strung on a rough spoke, uniformly rotating around a vertical axis, is considered. Under the assumption that the spoke and the axis of rotation are crossed, the existence of sets of non-isolated relative equilibria of the bead and their dependence on parameters are studied. The problem is a natural generalization of the well-known Sommerfeld problem, which assumes that the spoke and the axis of rotation intersect.

Sobre autores

A. Burov

Federal Research Center "Informatics and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: jtm@narod.ru
Moscow, Russia

V. Nikonov

Federal Research Center "Informatics and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: nikon_v@list.ru
Moscow, Russia


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