Growth of Epilithic Lichen under the Conditions of South Karelia





On the territory of the Kivach State Nature Reserve (North-West Russia, the Republic of Karelia) in the supralittoral conditions of the Suna River coast, the growth characteristics of 3 epilithic lichen species – Bellemerea alpina, Lecidea lapicida, Protoparmeliopsis muralis – were studied. Data were analyzed over an 11‑year follow-up period. For each studied thallus, a growth model was created using regression analysis, which reflects the dependence of the area of the thallus on the year of measurement and makes it possible to estimate the age of the thalli. Data were obtained on the size (cm2), growth rate (cm2/year), and age (years) of thalli. For these signs, the confidence interval of the means and the confidence interval of possible values were estimated at a probability of P = 95%.


A. Kurbatov

Scientific Research Institute of Biology, KarRC RAS

Russia, 185910, Petrozavodsk, st. Pushkinskaya, 11

A. Sonina

Institute of Biology, Ecology and Agrotechnologies, Petrozavodsk State University

Russia, 185910, Petrozavodsk, 33 Lenin Ave


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