
Interannual Variability of Surface and Integrated Water Vapor and Atmospheric Circulation in Europe
Khutorova O., Khutorov V., Teptin G.
Status and prospects of application of microwave radiometry of the atmosphere
Karavaev D., Shchukin G.
Ratio between Monomer and Dimer Absorption in Water Vapor within the H2O Rotational Band
Bogdanova Y., Rodimova O.
Water Vapor and Carbon Monoxide Broadening and Line Shifts Inside Aerogel Nanopores
Starikov V.
Contribution of the Water Vapor Continuum Absorption to the Radiation Balance of the Atmosphere with Cirrus Clouds
Chesnokova T., Firsov K., Razmolov A.
Vibrational Dependences of Broadening and Shift Coefficients of H2O Absorption Lines Perturbed by Ne, Kr, and Xe
Starikov V.
Study of the Water Vapor Absorption Spectrum in the Visible Spectral Region from 19480 to 20500 cm−1
Sinitsa L., Serdyukov V., Polovtseva E., Bykov A., Shcherbakov A.
Atmospheric radiative transfer simulation in water vapor total content retrievals using different spectroscopic databanks of H2O absorption line parameters
Chesnokova T., Chentsov A., Firsov K.
Water Vapor Absorption Coefficients at Temperatures of 890–1420 K at Some Lines of 12CO2 and 13CO2 Lasers: Measurements and Line-by-Line Calculations
Chesnokov E., Baklanov A., Semashkin E., Ponomarev Y., Ptashnik I., Voronina Y.
Contribution of the Water Vapor Continuum Absorption to Shortwave Solar Fluxes in the Earth’s Atmosphere with Cirrus Cloudiness
Firsov K., Chesnokova T., Razmolov A., Chentsov A.
Manifestation of Equatorial Processes in Water Vapor Variations over Europe
Khutorova O., Khutorov V., Teptin G.
Main sources оf uncertainties in measuring weak near-infrared water vapor continuum absorption with a Fourier spectrometer with a long optical path
Ponomarev Y., Ptashnik I., Solodov A., Solodov A.
Comparison of ground-based microwave measurements of precipitable water vapor with radiosounding data
Berezin I., Timofeyev Y., Virolainen Y., Volkova K.
Broadening and Shift Coefficients of H2O Absorption Lines in the 8650–9020 cm–1 Spectral Region
Deichuli V., Petrova T., Ponomarev Y., Solodov A., Solodov A.
Simulation of the vibrational-rotational energy levels of D218O, HD18O, D217O, and HD17O molecules by the effective Hamiltonian approach
Vasilenko I., Naumenko O., Kalinin K., Bykov A.
Contribution of Errors in Line Parameters to the Retrieval of the Vapor Continuum Absorption within 0.94- and 1.13-µm Bands
Simonova A., Ptashnik I.
Software for Retrieving the Water Vapor Continuum Absorption from Experimental Data
Klimeshina T., Ptashnik I.
D2O absorption spectrum in the region near 0.95 μm: the ν1 + 3ν3 rotational-vibrational band
Serdukov V., Sinitsa L., Kruglova T., Polovtseva E., Bykov A., Shcherbakov A.
Water vapor continuum absorption in the 2.7 and 6.25 μm bands at decreased temperatures
Ptashnik I., Klimeshina T., Petrova T., Solodov A., Solodov A.
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