Self-Similar Solution to the Problem of Unsteady Film Condensation on a Vertical Semi-Infinite Plate

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Changes in the regimes of condensate film flow along the underlying surface in the presence of a body force are considered within the framework of a simplified physical and mathematical model of hydrodynamic and thermal processes occurring under unsteady film condensation on a vertical semi-infinite plate. The model is used to determine the applicability conditions of the zero-gravity approximation when considering film condensation. It is found that the validity of using the zero-gravity approximation to calculate the film thickness growth rate on any plate section depends not only on the magnitude of the body force, but also on time and distance between this section and the leading edge of the plate.

About the authors

A. A. Kuroedov

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “Keldysh Research Center”

Moscow, Russia

I. V. Laptev

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “Keldysh Research Center”

Moscow, Russia

A. V. Suvorov

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “Keldysh Research Center”; The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)

Moscow, Russia; Dolgoprudnyi, Russia

S. G. Cherkasov

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “Keldysh Research Center”

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 А.А. Куроедов, И.В. Лаптев, А.В. Суворов, С.Г. Черкасов

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