The Effect of Boundary Conditions on the Modeling of Anomalous Intensification of Turbulent Heat Transfer in an Inclined Groove in the Wall of a Narrow Channel

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The effect of the boundary conditions of the first and second kind on the predicted characteristics of anomalous heat transfer intensification in the case of turbulent low-velocity air flow over an inclined groove in the hot wall of a narrow channel is numerically investigated. It is shown that the isothermality conditions lead to a considerable underestimation of the thermal efficiency of a surface structured with narrow grooves, compared with the conditions of heat flux constancy.

About the authors

S. A. Isaev

St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University;St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation

190121, St. Petersburg, Russia; 196210, St. Petersburg, Russia

A. G. Sudakov

St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation

196210, St. Petersburg, Russia

D. V. Nikushchenko

St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University

190121, St. Petersburg, Russia

V. B. Kharchenko

St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University

190121, St. Petersburg, Russia

L. P. Iunakov

Baltic State Technical University “Voenmekh”

Author for correspondence.
190005, St. Petersburg, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 С.А. Исаев, А.Г. Судаков, Д.В. Никущенко, В.Б. Харченко, Л.П. Юнаков

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