Construction of Exact Solutions of the System of One-Dimensional Gas Dynamics Equations without Gradient Catastrophe

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The system of equations that describes one-dimensional polytropic gas flows is considered. The invariants up to the second order of characteristics of the considered system of equations are classified. The method of reducing the Cauchy problems to systems of ordinary differential equations is proposed. Examples of the solutions without gradient catastrophe are constructed using invariants of characteristics supplementary to the Riemann invariants.

About the authors

A. V. Aksenov

Moscow State University; National Research Nuclear University MEPh

Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia

K. P. Druzhkov

Moscow State University; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia; Dolgopudnyi, Moscow oblast, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 А.В. Аксенов, К.П. Дружков

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